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This story is written in a format that may confuse you. Basically it is the thoughts of each of the characters at different or the same time I hope this clears things up for you. My name, well pen name, Clara I hope you enjoy ❤️

Remus POV

I start walking to class. I am a step behind the gang. I need to tell them I'm gay.

I'm only telling them that though. If they found out that I love Sirius. Well I don't even want to think about it.

Ugh. I need to catch up with them. If I spend one more second looking at Sirius' arse I will actually melt.

"Moony get your fine arse over here now." Sirius shouts.

"Fine huh?" I say.

He is not being seriousOk . He is straight. FOR GODRIC'S SAKE WHY IS HE STRAIGHT. He has a new girl every week. Just LOVE me mate it will solve so many problems. Is that selfish? I don't know.

Ok I need to catch up. Ugh his arse is to cute. MOONY FOCUS.

"I'm coming" I shout running after them.

Sirius POV

I really want to look behind me. Ugh his beautiful face. How can I have an excuse to look at him.

"Moony get your fine arse over here now." Shit I said fine arse. I love him so much. He doesn't love me. FOR GODRIC'S SAKE HE IS STRAIGHT. Whereas I'm about as straight as a circle.

"I'm coming!" he shouts. Ugh I love him.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2016 ⏰

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