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Falling off the edge was a lot different than how the people in her village made it out to be.
It sounded horrifying. At the moment, Annavi was definitely scared. But it was more of a fear of what would come. She'd always assumed falling meant instant death. Thinking perhaps some sort of flying beast were going to snatch her up, or that the air would be too thin to breathe the moment she stepped off. Wind rushed past her face, and she had to gasp to get any air in, but she was still very much breathing. Somehow, she had believed that she wouldn't be alive to see the storm raging around her. The sky was still grey and cloudy, and it suddenly flashed at random times, illuminating everything in Annavis sight. The lightning nearly gave her a heart attack the first few times, but she eventually got used to the tandem of the thunder and lightning. Rain pounded on her as she fell, still tangled in the soaked sail. Jacque was on the other side of the split and charred mast, foot caught in rigging. He couldn't quite bend to untie himself with how they were falling, and remained stuck, just like Annavi did in the sail. Luckily, the fire had snuffed out. There was still no telling if a fire wouldn't start again, were the lightning to strike again.
At this time, Annavi was waiting to see how she would die. Would she hit a bottom? Was there a bottom? Or would she go forever? Would she starve first? No, probably not. Dehydration would get her first. That was if she wasn't struck by lightning, didn't get smothered by the sail, and didn't fall from the sails death hold to be impaled by the mast. The flying monster was still an option, too, although that was almost as painful sounding as the lightning. Were it to decide it was hungry, anyway.
She looked up. Rain still pounded down from above, and she squinted to keep water from going in eyes. Her hair was plastered to her forehead, and sticking to her face. She looked down now, and noticed the significant difference in color. It was getting darker as she fell farther. When she looked over to Jacque again, he still looked to be cursing like before. Annavi couldn't hear him, but it was more than evident that he wasn't particularly pleased with the situation. He gripped his scarf and held his hood down, which Annavi found odd, given what was happening. Why were his clothes always his first priority?
She remembered their first encounter, and how the arrow she shot had passed right through him. She remembered how he had flickered, and flashed. The way he had been there but somehow not been there at the same time was still chilling. Annavi still didn't know what he was, but she knew he wasn't human. Whatever he said, she would never believe that. But still, she had no idea why he was always covering himself. Whether it be rain or shine, he was never seen without his countless layers of clothing.
With all the thinking Annavi had been doing, she didn't realize how long she had been looking at Jacque. She had completely zoned out. Now that she was conscious of him still being there, she noticed his expression. He was looking down, and he looked like he had been smacked. Annavi followed his gaze, and made a face at what she saw.
Below them, it looked like there was light under a layer of clouds. It glowed with a golden hue, and didn't waver like the lightning. It remained there, unchanging. It was getting closer.
Annavi looked back to Jacque, who still had his sights fixed on the approaching light. His eyes widened, and his grip on his clothing wavered. The next second, they were both surrounded by clouds. The air went frigid, and the storm was unable to be heard. For a split second, all was quiet. Then, as the clouds around them were left behind, Annavi heard a piercing scream. Everything went bright, and she shut her eyes, feeling blazing heat. Her body dried of all the water that had soaked into her clothes and her hair, and she felt the same thing happening with the sail that had tangled around her body. It unrolled from her body, and she felt herself shoot up into the air as the sail was caught in the wind. It ripped off the mast, but she gripped it's corners tightly. Now that it wasn't weighed down by water, it act like a parachute. Her heart leaped, and her eyes snapped open, just in time to see the mast disappear under another layer of clouds, Jacque being dragged along with it. His scarf flew up, left behind by him. It drifted slowly. He himself was gone.
Annavi found herself floating down slower now, gripping the warm sail tightly. She swallowed, trying to keep her parched mouth from drying out in the heat. She still remained squinting in the bright light, and was unable to grasp what had just happened. She didn't have much time to think, though. She passed through the clouds, and found herself surrounded by darkness. Here and there, stars flecked the area, and just barely added light. It swirled with purples and pinks, along with various reds and blues. She didn't have much time to admire it before she felt the frigidness of yet another layer of clouds.
This time there was nothing but darkness. No stars, or colors. Just black. There was a light drizzle of rain, and occasional flashes of lightning at first. Eventually, those died down and disappeared from her sight of touch. The fall was slow, and torturous. She could only see her feet and the rest of her body under her. Everything else was black. She wasn't sure if she'd ever reach anything. Would she just fall forever? She hoped not. If she were going to die, she wanted it over with immediately. She didn't want to be alone with her thoughts until the moment she finally shut her eyes. Especially not surrounded by darkness.

A/N: So, I've found my charger, which is good. I can now continue adding art for the chapters, which I guess isn't a huge thing but I enjoy doing them. Hopefully I can get around to redoing some of the old art as well, because clearly its not my best. Until next time, though.

~Andesite Lyacon

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