Chapter 5

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Terror runs through me as I realize what he just said.

I'm might be going. This might be my last day with my sister. Or I might live and come home for Christmas only to go back out there and fight for something I don't believe in.

No wonder city's 1, 2, and 4 are such good fighters they believe what there are doing is right. They aren't under fed. The Capital practically hand feeds them. They don't have to worry about having enough food on the table. They think what they are fighting for is the right thing.

Truthfully I hate the Capitol, but there is nothing I can do about it. If only the City's would rebel and work for the rest of North America...

I quickly dismiss that thought. That could never happen. The Capitol would never let that happen.

Haymitch finishes his speech the same way as always and the new kids get paired up with a 18 year old. Naturally I have Prim. We show them around. I tell her all about the different stations. They will work in groups of ten rotating through each station every hour. There are 10 stations so they will train for 10 hours a day except on Sundays.

Prim is worried. She try's to hide it but her emotions show all over her face. She's not crying but she might as well be. It's not like she will be the only one.

"Hey Prim, lets go check out the medical station" I say.

"Sure whatever" Prim answers weakly.

I can tell she is not enjoying this, but who would? We make our way to the medical station.

As soon as she sees all the dummy's with "broken arms and legs" and other wounds her eyes brighten up. I always new she would take after our mother. She gets right down to business using all the herbs and bandages she can find.

Soon enough she has one of the dummy's ''all fixed up''. The station trainer was very impressed. "You sure have a knack at that" said the trainer, "I'm from City 1, what's your name?" "Primrose" Prim says quietly. "Well you sure would make a great Military Doctor" said the trainer. Prim realized what The trainer meant by Military Doctor, to be one you have to be Drafted. Prim, Drafted that is something neither of us want to hear.

"Training is over for the day. Go home and get ready for the drafting, all of you" I hear Haymitch yell.

Haymitch hates the Capitol more than me. Something happened at his Drafting. I asked mother when I was younger but all she did was get really quiet and told me to wash up for dinner.

Prim and I drive home in my old Toyota. Prim sits in the back seat. What the trainer said to her really bothered her. I don't blame her. Those city 1 people are real idiots. They think its am honor to be in the war. Idiots!

We get home at 11:15. The Drafting starts right at Noon. That is just enough time to get ready, call Gale and walk downtown. Prim and Mom will drive down right before Noon but Gale and I need to be there earlier.

Gale and I walk downtown in silence. It's not that surprising, Gale has never been much for words.

We come up to Court House, that's the main building downtown. In from of it is a stage. That's new; well not really, it appears every year for the Drafting. We all sign in and wait. Soon Mayor Undersee walks on stage. His daughter is in my year at school. Her name is Madge. I guess you could call us friends we usual sit together at lunch and we hang out after school once in a while. Neither of us are good at ''girls talk'' do we kinda stick together.

Mayor Undersee goes on with the same speech every year. How the Capitol split away and was kind enough to feed us but everything comes at a cost and they don't ask for much but, that we serve in the Rebellion War.

Next a woman walks up on stage. It's Effie Trinket. She is the most peppy person I have ever met. She wears a bright green 40's style dress with white polka dots and orange buttons. She walks up to her two giant glass bowls. One contains all the 18 year old girls the other all the 18 year old boys.

Since she has eighty children's names to draft and she doesn't want to spend any more time here than she has to she quickly gets to the Drafting.

"Lady's first" she says in her abnormally peppy voice. Effie walks over to the bowl and chooses the fist name. "Trinity Froast" I don't recognize the name. I listen as she quickly goes through 28 female names, " number 29 Delly Cartwright" Effie says slightly rolling the second 'r'.

I know that name I think to myself. She lives in the better part of city 12. She is genuinely nice. Try's I find the best in people.

I am to busy thinking to myself so I don't hear the 40th name at first. Then I hits me.

She said Katniss Everdeen, that's me.

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