t h r e e

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"Reece had a bad feeling about the show. Either way, she was not excited"


"Welcome Octa insiders, vloggers, and journalist. We're delighted that you joined us to participate in our special event that marks the beginning of a bright journey in social networking."

Reece adjusted the carrier bag around her shoulder. And took another picture of the stage. She was at the Octa premier, it was the day of the heist. Dylan had given each of them a role to play in order to not stand out. Reece was Hanna Jackson, a journalist for east cost news. Dylan had them memorize every detail about their personas. She glanced at her wrist watch, they had another 30 minutes before the show started; it was time. She exited the stands, walking towards the back of the stage only pausing to show her journalist all-access pass. Then turned around the corner.

"You're set Reece" Dylan said through her earpiece. She crossed one of the event rooms, and gave a quick glance to Lula who was at one of the many, food kiosks. Reece turned another another corner, pushing open the door leading to one of the storage closets. She pulled out the foldable tripod in her bag and set it up, fastening the camera around her neck on top. Then she grabbed the fake one off of one of the shelves.

"Alright Lula, show these guys what you're made of" said Dylan as she turned the camera on. Lula did her distraction bit, which was definitely some of her best work as Reece and the team could tell through their earpieces. She continued to walk backstage and found the others getting ready to go onstage. Even Jack, who was disguised as a security guard, had shown up. Hopefully not causing too much suspicion. He sighed and said,

''I'm actually nervous, and i'm not even going onstage."

"you know I've heard that if you're really nervous it can helpful to picture each other naked'' Lula replied

"It's actually picture the audience naked-" Danny deadpanned.

"No this is new, this is a new science, so i don't know, do you wanna. We should try it?" Lula stuttered. Jack turned behind him to look at Reece who was perched on top of a sound box. How she even got onto it astounded him. She just chuckled and shook her head.

"Not the right mood" he turned back around smiling.

Reece walked back to the news pit with the rest of the journalists. They were still taking pictures of the empty stage, though she had no clue as to why she did the same. She took her seat, smiled to the person next to her and focused back on the stage. Just as the hostess came onto the stage.

"And now the moment you've all been waiting for... Owen Case" Owen came onto the monitor, the audience behind Reece applauded and another wave of camera's flashed rapidly.

"Good morning Octalites. Now i've made a claim that Octa 8 is pure magic but the truth is that is just one of those things I say. When in fact, I mean something else, what else do I mean..."

Reece whispered a 'good luck' into her com piece, though it was mostly directed at Lula. Sure she was living Reece's dream and although Reece would have loved to be up there with her, she knew she couldn't complain.

"And to preform some the most dazzling feats of magic you've ever seen. Here they are, the worlds greatest magicians here to expose me for the fraud I truly am..."

She smiled at the confused whispers, and focused her camera looking though the eye-port right at the middle of the stage just as Danny, Lula, and Merritt 'jumped' through the screen.

"The Horsemen"

The crowd went wild, not to mention the blinding camera flashes.

The show had been going according to plan, until Lula's mic went out.

"Before we start the show we had Owen agree to some terms and condition of our own, so everyth-"

"Yeah, everything he had once considered private is-" Danny tried to fill in. Then the screen lit up with a distorted combination of faces, which started to speak.

"As the horsemen like to say magic is about controlling perception, you see them as champions of the truth but are they. Or is that another on of their illusions; so since they clearly love secret let's reveal some of their's."

The speakers screeched and people finally started to panic, most started to run but the doors were closed. Somewhere in the mix Reece could barely hear Dylan yelling 'ABORT' through the coms.

"Do you recall, the death of Jack Wilder. What if i told you he is not only alive but he's actually right here."

A bright spotlight was shown on Jack as he ran side stage, Reece was as shocked as he was, when the same happened to her

"And another one of the newest members of the horsemen, Reece Walters."

The spotlight was shown on Reece, and her stunned face showed up on the screen. The few people around her were frozen as she ran past them the same way Jack ran.

"And do you know who else is here, the FBI, let's let them in shall we."

She could still hear the voice over the intercom.

"And now for the big reveal. there's a 6th horsemen and he's the biggest criminal of them all. FBI agent Dylan Rhodes."

Reece all but gasped and almost tripped over her feet. She ditched her bag and camera and started to sprint. She was able to catch up with Jack who was waiting for her. They met the others on the roof.

"we've gotta get to the chute" Jack yelled, to which everyone responded with a 'faster' and 'go'. Reece thanked herself for wearing some sensible shoes, the last thing she needed was to trip and fall.

"How the hell could this happen. I thought Dylan had everything under control." Merritt questioned.

"yeah well apparently he didn't-"Danny interjected.

"Guys, shut up" Reece yelled after Jack helped her down the ledge.

Thankfully she was able to shut them up. One by one they each went into the chute that would lead them onto the truck and out of there. Reece looked out onto the New York skyline trying to push away the bad feeling in her stomach, and slid in.

sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep

sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep

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hey guys i'm a little late on this update but i'm seeing if i can stick to update every month. But i hope this sufficed:)

soo i have finals for the next 2 weeks hmph. but after that is my bday and winter break so extra update yay!

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