Isolation Ends

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   My name is Shay, I am 18, I live alone, I have no neighbors, no family or friends. I guess you could say I am all alone. I haven’t seen a single human in a long time. Well none that are alive at least, I have done my best to bury the dead. No, this is not the Zombie Apocalypse, This is a Plague. It wiped out most of the world within a day. I remember watching the news when I was in School, the beginning of freshman year. They had sent us all home, to watch everyone die. After a month, I and my best friend, Zara lived together.  Zara got sick during the summer, and she shot herself inside the church. A last 'fuck you' I guess. But I buried her, next to her family and friends.  I think I might have forgotten her voice. Zara used to sing to me at night, she was more of a sister then a friend. I remember people, not their faces or voices, I just remember someone being there. My thoughts get scattered around a lot, and most days I lie on the floor in front of the window and stare at the sky.

  I was shaken from my thoughts, when I thought I heard a car outside. "It couldn’t be your hearing things Shay." But when I heard it again I got up to look. "No fucking way" I breathed and ran outside. I stood staring for a minute, my feet locked on the ground. "Shay?" The voice said quietly. Unable to speak, I slumped to the ground. "Shay, Oh my god." The voice said shakily and hauled me to my feet. "Tyler.." I managed to say in a whisper. “Let’s get you inside." He said picking me up and carrying me like a little kid. I looked down and realized for the first time in years what I looked like. I was unnaturally skinny and I was wearing a T-shirt that went down to my knees. I blushed a bit, probably adding some desperately needed color to my face. Tyler set me down on a dusty couch. "Shay, where is Zara?" He asked as he covered me with a blanket. "She….she shot herself..I" I wanted to continue on and realized that I couldn’t. "She left you…us a note." I say as I pulled it from the pocket in my shirt. Tyler slowly took the note from my hand. "She didn’t think you were coming back. She got really sick" I said and tried to stand. "Tyler...I” I started and he waved me off. "How long?" He said as he forced me back down on the couch. "What?" I managed to say. "How long have you been alone?" He said as he moved toward the door. "It’s been three years….I think…I can’t remember." I say as Tyler leaves. I close my eyes, and try to go to sleep.

"Shay!" I hear my name called, but it’s very distant. I hear it again, but louder this time. I open my eyes to see a worried Tyler and some other people tower over me. "What?" I whisper. Tyler sighs. "Can you sit up for a minute?" I nod, and he helps me up. The world spins. I look up, but the lights are too bright. "Can we dim the lights please?" I ask shielding my eyes from the fluorescent. "Uh, Sure." a boy says. I suddenly feel claustrophobic. "Tyler? Who are these people?" I ask. "This is Sky," he says and points to a girl with blond hair. "This is Adam", he says and points to a boy with black hair, "and this is Sam". He points to the little boy who has put out the lights. I try to stand, but gravity wins and I fall back on to the couch. "Help me up, Tyler" I said in a whisper that was barely audible. "I don’t think that’s a good idea" he says. “Please?" I say. He hesitates. "Ok" he said slowly. He helps me to my feet. I look at the girl Sky. "It's nice to meet you" I extend my weak arm. She looks shocked, then grabbed my hand and smiled. "It’s nice to meet you to Adam and Sam." Adam looks so familiar.

Later that night Adam and Tyler talked quietly. "So, Shay? Tyler has talked a lot about you and this other girl...Zara was her name.” She had a sleeping Sam on her lap. “Zara’s dead." I said a little too bitter. "Oh...Tyler really liked her didn’t he?" She looked sad. "They were supposed to get married." I say as I sipped on some water. "Really?" She said. "Yeah, they were to marry after Tyler got back." I said as I shifted my vision toward Sky. "What’s your guy’s story" I ask way too curiously. "Adam?" She says. "Oh, It’s a long story." She said and shifted positions. “Adam met a girl a few years back. He didn’t tell me much, but all I know is that this girl is extreamly special to him.”


I finger the note that Shay gave me. Shay’s words ricocheted around my head. "She left a note". I open it and see the familiar loopy handwriting.

      "Dear, Tyler.

                                        Tyler, I have been sick for a long time, but Shay is just starting to notice. Shay is getting her days mixed up and its concerning me. I feel bad for leaving her like this. Remember  the Lotus Flowers you got me for Christmas? Those were beautiful, went they?

         Forever yours; Zara.

I look up from the note and my eyes are watering. I slide down the wall and cry until sleep takes me over.

Shay's P.O.V

             I sat up in a bed, my bed. I look across the room to Zara's bed; Adam is sleeping in it bare-chested. I blush. I stand and wobble out the door and down the hall. I smell food; I am suddenly reminded of how hungry I really was. Tyler is sleeping on the couch, and Sam is lying on the floor. I make my way in to the kitchen, to see Sky fluttering around the kitchen hurriedly. "Good morning" I say, bracing myself on the wall. She turns and smiles. "Good morning!" she says a little too cheerfully. "Are you starting to feel better?" She asks as she butters some bread. "Uh...yeah...Where did you get the butter and the bread?"  I ask weakly. "I made them, my mother was really big in to making  food from scratch....I learned a lot from her...”  She looked sad, but then waved it off. "So...” She said turning away. "How know, how long have you been on your own?" She asks. "I don't remember...The days kind of just blur toghter. I layed on the floor for about a week or so before you all should up." I say and rub at my sore legs. "Oh...” She says, the she suddenly turned toward me. "Let’s get you some new clothes, and a hot bath." She pulls me gently down the hall way. "But, There is no water." I say trying to stay standing. "I went to the lake and brought water back...don’t worry I boiled it, it should still be warm."  She opens the door to the bathroom, and I saunter in after her. I couldn’t believe I was getting a bath. "Here" She hands me soap, shampoo & conditoner and some clean clothes. Not just any clothes, but clothes that I actually liked. “Wow" I breath and hug her. “I figured you like them; Tyler said that you like that kind of thing. Oh and I almost forgot." She hauls a travel case. "I picked this up the last time I was scavenging. It’s got brushes and everything." She turns to leave. "Th..Thank you" I sputter after her. "Your welcome dear." and she strides down the hall.


         So? What do you all think? This is something I have written when I can't sleep at night. Do you want me to finish this? I really want criticism. Thank you for reading, I really really appreciate it!

Chapter One Published 12/10/13

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