Chapter 11.

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Cara's POV

Kendall and I arrived at Starbucks and ordered our drinks. We sat down across each other.

"So, Cara, when did you get here exactly?" "I got here like.. yesterday I think? No it was two days ago, I have no idea," I laughed.

"What! You tricked me into thinking you were at a fashion show? Ugg no way," "Yes way," I smiled.

"So when you asked me what my plans were for the day, you were gonna go there and surprise me or?"

"Well yeah sort of. You see for days I've been trying to think of ways to surprise you but they were all lame. So I wanted to do something simple."

"Alright alright, so what were some of your ideas?" She smiled.

"They're quite crazy actually, first I-," "Kendall and Cara! Your drinks are ready." "I got it," she said.

She stood up and turned around. I looked at her ass and stared at it. I whistled.

She turned around and frowned but laughed, "Cara!" "What? I'm being appreciative," I laughed.

I watched her grab the drinks and sit back down, "Here you go," she said, "Thank you, lovely." I smirked.

"So tell me, anything crazy happen these past few days?" I asked, "Ummm oh yeah! So last night I went to a bar with Gigi and I saw the toughest girl ever. I think some guy was hitting on her but from what I saw she was very defensive. I'm guessing she knocked him out. But then she got up and looked right at me from what I saw, but I couldn't see her face. Then she just ran out!"

"Woah! That's one hella cool chick. I want to meet her." Kendall just blankly stared at me, "I'm kidding I'm kidding. But hey, guess who that girl was?"

"Who?" She asked, "Uhh it was me sort of yeah.." her eyes widened in shock, "What! You're lying. I don't believe you," she crossed her arms, "I'm serious, I would never lie to you. Here let me show you," I held out my knuckle for her to see.

"I punched him with my right hand but it kinda hurt my hand a bit. It's a bit bruised." She examined my hand carefully but then held my hand.

She stroked my hand with her thumb and looked up to me. What is this that I'm feeling?

Why am I feeling some sort of sensational warmth flowing through me? Is this what its gonna feel like whenever Kendall touches me?

Um yeah, remember when you hugged her earlier on? You got very turned on. I was in shock from what my mind just told me.

Don't fucking say that, that's so weird. No. But I'm not gonna lie, when I held her for the first time ever, it made me so weak.

I've got the biggest crush on her and she doesn't know. And I already know that I love her, but it's something I want to be sure of immediately.

Then why'd you come here? You said to follow your heart and you did. Cara, you're in love with her. Did you forget or something?

"Hello? Earth to Cara?" Kendall waved to me, "Oh sorry, love, I was just thinking of something."

"What were you thinking about?" She tilted her head, so cute. "Oh it's nothing, don't worry about it." She made her eyes big and folded her lip.

"Aw Kendall don't do that to me. I can't handle adorableness." She kept on doing it, "Kendall-," "Please, Cara." She pleaded.

"I'm not gonna tell you," I smiled. She sat back and crossed her arms once again. "Fine."

I took the last sip of my drink, "So, Kendall, how's life in San Diego?"


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