Chapter 22 - Appearances, Appearances

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Hey guys!! Hope you all are doing well and wonderful. :) In honor of the season premiere last night, here's another chapter for you. Hope you guys enjoy! Thanks for reading and please vote/comment! Thanks so much and I hope you all have an amazing day. :)


Lili woke rather groggily at nine to hear the sizzling of food, her eyes cracking open to see David at the stove in a plain white tanktop and jeans. The smell was enticing, but not enough to get her off the couch. She growled a little before she turned over into the couch, her "hmph" bouncing back against her face. She heard the prince's quiet chuckle vaguely as she went back to sleep.

When she woke again, there was light conversation being held in the kitchen. The Charmings were gone.
Lili groaned. Her shoulders and the top of her spine ached terribly.
"Good morning!" Killian called over to her cheerily.
"You c'n keep y'r g'd morning," she muttered.
Killian let out half a snort. "Sleep alright?"
"Some." It had been a mixture of nightmares and slumber, but she'd actually gotten a good amount of sleep, so things weren't too terrible. She was just sore as hell. Killian came into the living room as she got up and bent backwards until her spine and shoulders popped. She stretched a little more before she sat down on the couch, a rather dismal look on her face.
"You alright?" Killian asked, partially amused and concerned.
"I'll be fine." She walked stiffly into the kitchen, rooting around in the pantry for something to eat. She looked and twisted her neck.
"I wish you wouldn't do that, love," Killian murmured, one brow curved worriedly.
She looked at him and grinned. "Still flip you out mate?"
"A bit, yeh."
Her grin grew wide and toothy. "You think that's bad, you should see this."
"A-, kid, give your dad a break, huh?"
Lili straightened, grinning before she dipped her head to Emma. "As you wish, Swan." Her mischievous smirk remained for a while as she shifted things about in the pantry, murmuring a small "ah" as she found the peanut butter.
"Captain, 've you tried this stuff?"
"Not on purpose."
"You should, it's actually quite good!" She tore a banana off of the bunch in the bowl, starting to unwrap it when she saw the look of apprehension on his face. "Oh don' gimme that. Knowingly or not, you've trusted my cooking f'centuries. I think I know my way around food by now." She got a spoon out of a drawer and scraped it around the inside of the jar, getting a good amount of pb. "Here, try it."
"'Oh come on, lad, it cahn't be that bad; ahfter all, if the locals like it, how d'you know you won't?'" she imitated, returning the line he'd used many a time when they were trying out food in a new or different place.
He gave her a scathingly sarcastic smile, which she returned, as he took the spoon, lifting it to his nose, brow furrowing. "Smells like peanuts."
"There's a good reason f'that."
He shot her another look before venturing a taste. Well. Wasn't half-bad. He finished off the spoonful. "What is it?"
"Some sort of peanut paste."
"Peanut butter," Emma corrected gently.
"Right, that."
Emma rolled her eyes. Pirates would be pirates.
The two continued to debate over foreign foods for a while as Emma browsed the movie shelf. Snow White and the Seven Dwarves, Robin Hood, The Little Mermaid,...Peter Pan. A grin curled her lips. "Hey Killian," she called.
"Aye lass?"
"Whadday' say we have a marathon tonight? Introduce Lili to movies."
"Yeah, sounds good. What d'you have in mind?" he asked, coming into the same room.
"What's a movie again?" Lili asked rather loudly; she sort of remembered the captain's earlier explanation, but she'd appreciate a better one.
Killian smirked. "Come in here and I'll tell you."
Lili appeared in a few moments, munching on a sandwich, looking at him expectantly.
"You've you ever seen a crystal ball before?" Killian asked, trying to think of a better way to explain it.
Her brow furrowed. "Yeh, plen'y. Why?"
"You've seen it work?"
"Movies, 'r, television, it's sort of like watching a crystal ball, with sound."
Lili narrowed her eyes at him. "I sort of understand."
Killian's lips twitched and he looked at the shelf, pulling out a random movie, opening the case. "Alright. You see, disc?"
"It..holds a story inside it. When you stick it in the magic box, the one like the crystal ball, it tells you the story, but it's not like..telling a story. It's showing you the story. You see it happen, you hear the people in the story talk, et cetera."
"So you watch stories on a crystal ball."
"Alright." She pulled a face. "Sounds fun."
Emma was biting her lip to try and keep from laughing. He'd certainly done a good job of clarifying it for her, but..if anyone else had heard that conversation...
"Captain I think she's mocking you," Lili murmured quietly, not without mirth in her eyes.
Killian turned, pulling one of his eyebrow raises. "Wot?"
"Nothing, just..that conversation. Sometimes I wonder how normal people would react," Emma replied, laughing a little.
"W-it was the best thing I could think of, lass, what'd you expect? Not like she knows about cameras and recording and all. It took me a while to understand the concept when you first tried to explain it t'me."
"Yeah, and you ended up researching the history of film and cameras," Emma said, smiling, almost laughing.
"Well, I wanted to understand. And now I do."
"Wot's a camera."
"It's the thing I took your mugshots with."
"The.." Lili's brow furrowed.
"You know, the box that flashed a light and then.."
"And spat out my portrait. That's a camera?"
"Yeah. They come in different shapes and sizes, though. Some of them just take pictures, some of them..record stories, movies," Emma elaborated.
"Oh. ...Hm." Lili's brow remained furrowed, and she took a turn on her heel, heading for the couch.
"Would you like me to explain it t' you?" Killian asked curiously, just a bit eagerly.
"Sure, why not."
Ooh boy. That was going to be a long conversation. Emma returned to the kitchen, fixing herself a sandwich.

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