Chapter 35 - Baby Steps

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(The Open Sea - 338 years ago)

The cabin boy stirred, eyes opening from where she lay in the galley. (It was quieter here, warmer.) She stared at the glowing embers in the stove, listening. Her brow furrowed. She could've sworn she heard him. Yes. She got up quickly, going below, snagging a spare bottle of rum, feet almost as quiet as a cat's as she snuck into his cabin. A few empty bottles rolled across the floor, one glancing off her foot as the ship swayed. "No. No. Milah, please! Wait!!"

"I love you."

"Captain. Captain!" She shook his shoulder. "Captain wake up!!"

She ducked as he came alive with a roar, pistol cocking immediately, trained on her.

"I'ss just me Captain, I swear," she gasped, one hand trembling, bottle in the other.

He sucked in a breath, staring at the child. "Boy?"

"Aye Captain."

He re-placed the hammer and the child let out a shaky breath as he did, lying back on the bed, grunting, holding what was left of his scarred wrist as he caught his breath.

She waited a few moments before she spoke, hopefully soft enough not to irk him. "I've brought you rum, Captain, the good stuff." He usually wanted it when he had a bad dream. He'd been having them more, this whole year now. Ever since...

"Leave it on the table." His voice trembled, pain, anger, and sorrow showing in the cracks.

"Aye Captain." She padded over, setting it down. "Anything else Captain?"


"Aye sir," she whispered, and got out as quickly and quietly as she could.

Killian let out a sigh, massaging the bridge of his nose, just trying to breathe. His heart ached, and hot tears began to streak across his temples. Anger hardened his heart.

(Present Day)

Liliana spent several hours on the dream-sketch, until her leg ached and her arms ached and her fingers started cramping. She folded it up and went to bed, taking a bottle of rum with her for good measure. She did her best not to think on the bad, trying to remember the rest of the dream. Eventually she was able to fall into it.

Killian's arm tightened around Emma, and a low mumble sounded in his throat as he awoke. Emma grunted, fingers twitching on the back of his arm. He nestled his face in her hair, breathing deeply. He checked the room, eyes half-open, listening intently, before he concluded there was no danger, and decided to go back to sleep. A low rustle caught his ear, and he stilled.

He listened further, and heard a faint grumble on the other side of the wall.

A louder one.

He almost hesitated before he unwrapped his arms from Emma, slipping out of bed, taking a deep breath as he quietly opened Lili's door.

"Hnh. No. No." She twitched, covers barely on her, fist gripping a corner of the comforter.


"Lili, Lili wake up love, it's alright. Hey." He shook her shoulder. "Lili!"

She gasped, eyes snapping open, hand veering towards his face. He quickly dodged, but was unable to escape the foot that caught the side of his leg.

"Hey! Hey hey; it's alright lass. It's alright, 's just me."


"Aye love."

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