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A/N: hey guys since I'm making two books about Septiplier it will be really hard to make chapters for every book so I will most likely upload a chapter to every book or at least one book every week Ik that one week is a long time but I'm going through school and it's really hard to get good grades and be on my tablet after school to write books I don't even get my tablet most of the week but I have enough time with it to write as much as I can so I really hope you understand and don't get angry at me but I will most likely finish with this book first and then go to the other one I have in mind again I hope you don't get angry at me for this but if you do I understand anyway I luv ya guys

~Marks POV~
It's the third year at this college and being room mates with Jack is amazing and fun but he always leaves after all of our classes and comes home with cuts a bruises every night I'm getting worried I can't blame him though I get home the same way so. I was in my dorm and of course I came home before him so I had time to clean up my cuts and stuff I heard a loud Tump and I thought us was a drunk dude down the halls so I ignored it until THUMP THUMP THUMP it's sounded more like loud banging on a door as if someone was in trouble and needed to come inside so I opened the door and found Jack standing there bloody with cuts and bruises I quickly carried him onto my bed at that time I didn't care about my sheets getting all bloody I cared about getting Jack healed up I gently placed him on my bed and he shrieked in pain "Jack I'm so so sorry did I hurt you?" I asked him he looked away then back at me "It's ok Mark I can take care of my self" he said I looked at him and frowned "Jack I know you can take care of your self I just get really worried about you" I said as I went to the bathroom to get bandages, gauze, cotton balls, and some hydrogen peroxide to disinfect his cuts "I know Mark I'm really sorry that I make you worry about me" he said in quite but shy voice "it's ok Jack I guess I should say the same since I make you worry about me when I get back like this to" I said glaring at him when I got some bandaids out of the box and walked back to him and started to disinfect his cuts "this might hurt a bit" I said as I as I put the cotton ball that was soaked in the peroxide and gently put it on his cuts he yelled in pain and I felt horrible for him I felt like I wanted to punch the guy who hurt him square in the face if I see him. "Jack I'm so sorry for the pain but it's the only way you will recover" I said In a sad voice "it's ok Mark I'm happy your taking care of me" he smiles and my checks turn a light shade of pink I looked away hoping he wouldn't notice me....he didn't
~Le time skip brought to you by me since I'm a lazy muthafuka~
After a whole lot of cotton balls and peroxide used I rapped his arm with gauze or whatever it's called idk "it's late we should go to sleep" I said he looked at me and nodded "since your in a lot of pain if you try to get up for water or to go to the bathroom wake me up I don't want to wake up to you on the floor" I said he nodded "Thank you Mark" he said and we went to our beds to go to sleep "Good night Jackaboy" I said "Good night Markimoo"

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