You Can't Tell My Father!

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             You burst through the portrait hole, makeup and tears covering your face. Terence was on his feet the minute you set foot in the Common Room. His eyebrows were knitted together in deep concern, but you didn't care. Right now all you needed was comfort. He seemed to be able to read exactly what your heart was pleading for, because he held out his arms, allowing you to rush into them. He stroked your (H/C) hair, lovingly.
             "I was so worried about you when you didn't return. Where did you go? Why were you gone for so long? What happened? Why are you crying?" You buried your face in his chest as he led you towards the couch. He wrapped his arms around you and let you cry. You weren't looking for attention or another relationship. You were looking for a friend.
             "I-I can't tell you! M-my f-father! I-I just-t can't!" Terence rubbed your back, holding you a bit closer. You continued to sob until you ran out of tears.
             "(Y/N/N)! Tell me what's wrong! I just want to help you!" You flinched. That was one of the things Cedric had said to you. One of the lies you believed.
              "No! I can't! I can't tell anyone!" Your heart swelled with pain. You had lost the boy you loved more than anything in the world and you didn't have anyone to turn to. Terence slid of the couch, causing you shift to a sitting position. He got down on his knees, crouching in front of the couch. He took his hands in yours, playing with your fingers.
             "Listen to me! I need you to tell me what's going on. I don't know if you consider me your best friend but I consider you mine. I know your unhappy and I can tell you want someone to talk to. All you have to do is let me in. Just tell me what's wrong," Terence pleaded. You broke down once more. How could you explain any of this?
             "You can't tell my father! Please! You can't tell anyone!" Terence nodded as he squeezed you hands a little harder. You inhaled a sharp breath. Here goes nothing. "My father beats me! He's tried to kill be before. I don't know why he does but he enjoys seeing me in pain. And for that reason you can't utter a single word about this conversation ever again. Is that clear?" Terence's eyes widened in shock but he nodded. You pulled up the sleeves of you robes showing him the dark bruises.
             "(Y/N)! Have you told anyone about this? This is a serious problem! We need to get you out of that house! You and Matt!" You shook your head, quickly.
             "No! You can't! He threatened my mother's life! You can't tell anyone!" Terence let out an exasperated sigh, but he nodded again. What would happen if he told?
             "Okay, but if anything really severe happens I want you to tell me right away! And if it gets any worse we're not going to waste time by keeping this a secret! I already hate myself for not reporting this! But tell me what happened tonight." You bit your lip nervously. Terence was a Slytherin, but he played by the rules. There was no telling how he'd react to any of this. You shook with fear.
             "I just found out that my boyfriend was cheating on me! I didn't know what to do so I broke up with him and...OH MY GOD!" Terence stopped breathing. You sobbed even harder. No one was going to understand. He was going to be livid.
             "Boyfriend?" He asked, slowly. You averted your eyes. He sucked in another labored breath. What was he thinking. You were dying with anticipation. "Boyfriend. I see. You have a boyfriend. Or had a boyfriend. Okay. Um. Okay. What's his name?" Wasn't that the million dollar question. The answer to that question could ruin your entire life.
             "Diggory. Cedric Diggory," you mumbled, almost inaudibly. Almost. Terence jumped to his feet, backing away slowly. You saw the shock in his eyes. You saw the pain. But you couldn't find a single hint of anger.
             "Diggory? As in the Hufflepuff? As in the Hufflepuff Quidditch Captain? As in the Hufflepuff Seeker? Cedric Diggory as in a boy you weren't supposed to be within 10 feet of?" You nodded, slowly. Yes. That Cedric Diggory. The one and only.
               "Yes, that Cedric Diggory. How many Cedric Diggorys do you know?" Even as you said it your eyes began to leak tears. Cedric was all you had and you had thrown it all away. But you had a good reason to do so, didn't you? Terence shook his head in disbelief.
               "(Y/N/N)! You're the Slytherin Queen! You're like the poster princess for our house. You're a Prefect. You're the Quidditch Team Captain. Everyone looks up to you! I thought that out of all people you'd be the person who followed the house rules. Why? How? I don't even know what questions to ask!" Terence sighed, massaging his temples.
               "I don't know! I really don't know! We've been friends ever since our first year but I didn't know I'd fall in love with him. I didn't-"
               "LOVE? YOU FELL IN LOVE WITH HIM? (Y/N/N)! HOW IN HELL DID THIS HAPPEN?" You winced as he shouted at you. Your tears fell faster.
               "Terence! I can't take this anymore! I fell in love! I don't know how and I don't know why! It wasn't something I could control! I know we made up all these rules! But don't you get it! We're all people! We're all humans! We just have different strengths in our personalities! But that doesn't mean we have to hate everyone who isn't in our house! And just because we're in Slytherin doesn't mean we don't have feelings! I love Cedric! And in the 2 hours we've been sitting here there hasn't been a second that has gone by that I don't regret the decision I've just made."
               "I'm sorry I just want to understand where all this is coming from. I don't like Diggory but I love you and if you love him then I'll support you! We're best friends and best friends always support each other. Don't worry (Y/N/N). You're secret is safe with me." You sniffled, but a smile managed to shine through the dark cloud of tears.
               "Thank you, Terence! I love you too! I don't know what I would do without you to keep me grounded! But I still don't know if I've made the wrong decision or not!" Terence crossed the room, stopping right in front of you. He held his arms out and you immediately wrapped yourself in them, as the tears began to start up again. What should you do?
               "I don't know what to tell you (Y/N). If he cheated on you I would have a hard time trusting him again but you have to do what you're heart is telling you to do. It's getting late and you've been through a lot tonight! I would tell you to go to bed and sleep on it! Then make your decision. Dammit your (Y/N) Middlebrook for God's sake! If anyone can make it through this it's you! Stay strong      (Y/N)! Everything'll be okay!"
               You felt the tears stop as you pulled him closer. This was the comfort you needed. This was the comfort you wished you were getting from your boyfriend. Your ex-boyfriend. It hit hard. It hit really hard. You had just made the biggest mistake of your life.
               Cedric was your baby. He was your other half. You needed him just as much as he needed you. The pain your heart was feeling was overwhelming. Love was real. Love wasn't a waste of time. You needed love. But most importantly you needed Cedric's love. You pulled out of Terence's embrace and looked into his eyes. He smiled and nodded. That's all you needed. You took off running. You ran up the stairs. Toward the Great Hall. Toward the Hufflepuff Common Room. Toward your Cedric. Toward the love of your life.

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