Just For Tonight?

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Cedric sat there staring at you in utter disbelief. He shook his head tying to process the realizations you had just made! "Oh God! She gave me a love potion? Why would she do that?" You mentally face-palmed. You were taking a much different approach to the whole situation. You weren't in shock. You were mad as hell. Revenge was going to be sweet.
"Isn't it obvious? She likes you and she realized you didn't have the same feelings. So she took a much more drastic approach. And just wait until I get my hands on..." He leaned forward to kiss you, cutting you off.
"I know, baby girl. I know. You're going to do something to make her regret everything she's ever done. But can we think about that later? I don't understand how I was able to shake myself out of a love potion, we didn't have the remedy." You thought for a minute, biting your lower lip.
"You said that after you found my ring you began to think more clearly." He scrubbed his face, trying to wipe away his frustration. Suddenly his face lit up in realization.
"When I found your ring that must've broken the potion's hold on me. I didn't know that was possible but apparently it is. When I heard the ring drop I must've gone to find the source of the noise. And then when I found the ring, it must've brought back memories of you. I love you. We have a real love and that's what must've broken the spell or whatever."
You smiled as you leaned over to kiss your boyfriend's cheek. He blushed a light shade of red making you smirk. He pulled you onto his lap, allowing you to rest your head on his shoulder. "So your basically saying that the potions remedy was true love? How cliché."
Cedric smiled as he kissed your neck. You shuddered and pulled back. He frowned and touched your neck delicately. You winced and his hand was retracted immediately. You could feel the ghost of wounds burning your skin. You stood up, pulling yourself off of him, moving to grasp the railing of the tower.
He stood behind you, his hands grasping your waist tightly. You released an exasperated sigh. "What's wrong, baby girl? Talk to me. I want to help."
You turned around and buried your face in his chest. His t-shirt muffled your words but they were still clear enough to hear. "I'm sorry, Ced. I'm so sorry, baby. I'm so sorry."
"What are you apologizing for? You've done nothing wrong and I wish you would stop thinking you have. I love you, (Y/N)."
"It's just I shy away from your affection so much and I wish I didn't but..." You trailed off, unable to find the words to continue. Cedric pulled back gently to kiss you gently.
"(Y/N). I love you no matter what. I don't want you to feel guilty for not wanting me to kiss you certain places on your body. You've been through hell and I know that those memories won't fade away any time soon. I want to make you as comfortable as I can. So if you want to pull back or tell me to stop and leave you alone, do it. Seriously."
You nodded as you kissed him. His hand stroked your (H/C) hair as he held you to him. He pulled you away from the railing, leading you towards the wall of the tower. He sat down as you echoed his movements. He intertwined your fingers as you rested your head on his shoulder. He smiled down at you, kissing the top of your head, gently.
"Now we need a plan. Well you do. I'm okay with a little bit of revenge but nothing fatal. I don't want anything to severe to happen to her," he added carefully. You scowled.
"Then what does that leave me with? What were you thinking? Because you've just diminished the majority of my ideas." He grinned, kissing your head again.
"Well we could dye her hair a strange color. Or we could slip something into her potions to make it do weird things. That would ensure her a bad grade in potions." You sneered. Where was the revenge?
"I'm only saying this because I love you. You're ideas of revenge suck. They are just awful. Terrible. Horrible. Horrendous..."
"Okay! Thanks. I think I got the point. Loud and clear. That really says I love you like nothing else. But I get it. My ideas were pretty lame." You smiled and nodded.
"I think we should give her a taste of her own medicine. Fight fire with fire." Cedric shook his head quickly, making you smirk.
"No. Let's fight fire with water. That would be a much better idea then what you have in mind. I'm sure of that." You sneered. Why was he being so nice.
"Okay. You're a Hufflepuff. And I'm a Slytherin. We have very different views on revenge. Slytherins are known for revenge tactics that can make you regret every decision you've ever made. Long story short, we're doing it my way. No exceptions."
Cedric sighed in defeat. Once you had made up your mind there was no changing it. He rubbed circles into you knuckles, thinking. "What are you going to do?"
"I think 2 days of nothing but the absolute truth should do the trick. And I have plenty of Veritaserum left. That's my brilliant idea. It was better than any of yours."
"Not going to lie, that was a lot less harsh than I was expecting it to be. I quite like that idea. Give me the bottle, I'll slip the serum into her juice tomorrow morning." You nodded and pulled the small vial out of your pocket. You handed it your boyfriend, grinning mischievously. "Don't do that. It makes me nervous." But he smiled despite himself.
"Good. Now that we have our plan I can go back to bed. I love you, baby." You moved to stand, but Cedric kept a firm grip on you hand. You sighed.
"I know. But will you stay here with me tonight? Just for tonight? We've been through so much in the last few days and I just want to stop for a minute and enjoy your company." You bit your lip. You wanted to stay but if you weren't back in time for breakfast there would be suspicion. Cedric's eyes burned holes into yours as he begged you to stay.
"Fine. Just for tonight. But we have to be back in time for breakfast. And you better hope no one comes up here." He grinned as you rested your head back onto his shoulder.
"Goodnight, baby girl. I love you." You nodded as your eyes slid shut. You felt his arms wrap around you as you fell into a deep sleep. I love you too, Ced. More than anything.

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