Chapter I: Forever

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Chapter I: Forever

I open my eyes to a pitch black darkness of my room. The little light that was in there came from a street lamp outside my window. As I was gaining my bearings, I felt something on my chest, it was heavy and refused the budge. It felt like a flesh covered rock. I started to panic as it began to move and kept raising it's head until it was staring at me with light brown eyes that seemed to be moist with tears. Sighing deeply, I realized that this mysterious beast that was in my bed was my little brother Trevor.

“What are you doing in here Trevor?” I asked on a semi-harsh whisper.

“I was scared in my room.” Trevor answered in a way any five year old would. I could completely understand how that could have happen since it wasn't the first time. I don't or won't blame the monster in the closet or the one under the bed. I blame our parents.

Let me explain, I was born to Jacob and Layla Taylor. My dad was a lawyer with his own firm and my mom was an average stay-at-home mom, well almost average. My dad was a single child who came from a wealthy family, so he was comfortable with being spoiled. So when he went off to college an was introduced to drugs, his parents basically fed his addiction. My mom was from a family of all girls, and her being the youngest in a family that wasn't financially stable, she took to the rough streets. They met one day in court when my dad was defending my mom from possession charges. Let's just say that during and after the trial they got very close. Then I was born nine months later. Since I was born out of wedlock, my mother's family disowned her and my father's threatened to cut off his cash flow unless they got married immediately. So they got hitched and I was destined for fear-filled life.

They were far away from being the world's greatest parents. My parents were abusive; my dad was physically and verbally and my mom just verbally. Though they seemed like evil people, they did give me something that makes my life complete, Trevor. My brother was a blessing, the only reason why I'm happy about the life I live. Since he was born when I was ten, I made it my job to protect him from my parents wraith.

By the way, I'm Christopher and I'm a almost average fifteen year old with brown hair and light brown eyes. There is one major flaw in my family on my father's side, we are all born with weak bladders. My dad and mom's drug habit before each of our births left Trevor and I with the weakest in our family, ultimately leaving us in diapers. (I'm not really ashamed about it though my da wants me to be.) Now back to the story....

“Can I stay in here with you?” Trevor pleaded.

Okay you can stay but get off my chest so I can breathe.” I sighed.

“Yay!” he exclaimed.

So Trevor moved over to my left side and used my arm as a pillow. Suddenly he sat up and began unbuttoning the shirt of his batman pajamas. I was about to ask why he was taking of his shirt, I remember that mine was off also due to the summer's air even though our ugly yellow (like a rotting banana yellow.) two-story home had air-conditioning. So I guessed he was hot in this bed. Just as I was dozing off again, he started to move again. “What are you doing now, Trevor?” I exclaimed, I guess I scared him because he flinched and looked if he was about to cry again.

“I wanna here your heart.” he said while sounding to have choked back tears.

“Oh okay,” I said. Feeling bad about how I yelled at him. “but hurry up and lay down.”

“Goodnight Chris.” Trevor said sleepily.

“Goodnight Trevor,” I replied and while placing a kiss on his forehead saying “I love you and sweet dreams.”

“I love you too...” Trevor said finally falling dozing off, and I soon followed.

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