Chapter III: Heat part 1

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Chapter III: Heat

After we ate, I decided to watch some tv with Trevor. Trevor couldn't decide on what to watch so the decision was left to me. I just put on All Dogs Go To Heaven, he seemed eager enough to watch it. Throughout the whole movie, Trevor kept asking questions and laughing.

Toward the end of the movie, Trevor kept insisting that we go to the park. It was only 3 o'clock, and the park was within walking distance of our house, so I agreed. On our walk he kept running off trying to catch butterflies and only stopped after watching a butterfly get trapped in a spider's web.

"Do butterflies go to heaven like dogs?" He asked skipping next to me. As I seriously didn't know the answer, I just simply said "Sure." That had seemed to keep him content for the rest of the walk.

Once at the park, I noticed the neighbourhood's local gang was here. They weren't really a gang, but a bunch of rich spoiled brats, who thought they own the world because their parents were rich. Out of sake of not starting any fights with them while Trevor was here, I went around the sidewalk path that led to their table and went through a path in the trees I made a few months ago. Praying that they didn't see us, I took Trevor over to the swings. After setting down my backpack, (contained some supplies we might have needed.) I placed Trevor in his swing. After about 30 minutes of listening to him squealing with glee, I felt a hand tap me on the shoulder. Instantly thinking that it was one of the rich brats, I ignored the hand. When it tapped again, I ignored it once again. After the third tap, I had enough of this nonsense so I sucked in my breath and began to turn around, steeling myself for a fight, but when my nose got assaulted with a heavenly fragrance of watermelon and apples. I realized that this person was Graci Woods a.k.a. one of the most beautiful girls in James V. High School, and maybe the world and one of my best friends.

"I hope you weren't thinking of hitting me, were you?" She said innocently yet with a "I dare you" gleam in her eyes.

"Hey I might be bold but I'm not stupid." I replied, with my hands in the air, backing away. Though Graci seemed like your classic blonde cheerleader, but we go to the same tae kwon doe class and I've seen her drop a grown man to the floor easily.

"Now listen here punk give me all money!" I heard as I was put in a headlock. My instinct took over as I elbowed the mugger as hard as I could. Instantly the grip on my head was released and followed by a huge howl.

"Ow ow ow dude it's just me, ooh that hurt so bad." Said the mugger or better known as Jake Williams, who was currently cupping his "manhood".

"My bad Jake, but why didn't you just try that to Graci or just say 'hi' like a normal human being?" I retorted.

"Because saying "hi" is boring and with Graci, I actually like her being my girlfriend. Also I'll take your his over hers any day." He said almost laughing.

"Bubba I need help." I heard Trevor say. Looking over at him, he seemed to be having a hard time getting off the swing. After I got him out of the swing, he sprinted to Graci and gave her a big hug. Noticing that Jake was still on the ground, I walked over and helped him to his feet.

"What brings y'all here today?" I asked. Jake was the first to answer.

"Actually we were on our way to the movies. Then we saw you two and thought to see if y'all wanted to come." he shows, glancing at Trevor then at me.

"Hey Trevor, do you wanna go to the movies with Graci and Jake?" I asked already knowing his answer.

"Yes! Can we see the movie I want?" he replied while hopping around excitedly.

"We'll see." Graci answered.

"Well, well, well, look what the cat dragged in." said a slightly baritone voice that could only belong to my archenemy ant the leader of the rich brats pack, Alex P. Pearson. He is about 6'1" and 200 pounds and being 17 also gives him a huge advantage over Jake and I. Despite that advantage, we've managed to outsmart him several times. Although he is hardly ever seen without his pack of 17 years old, who would fight for him no matter who it was, he isn't that strong alone. Also besides his pack and his money, the only thing worth noticing is his blonde hair. It's a type of blonde color the you might could get if you dyed your hair, but his was born that way.

"What do you want App (his initials)?" I asked, sounding not as annoyed as I really was.

"How dare you address him that way!" one of his goons roared.

"Now lets all calm down. All I really want is this fine piece of meat right here." Alex said venomously while reaching out towards Graci's chest. Yanking Graci out of harm's way, Jake jumped in front of her.

"Back off block head, she's taken." Jake growled.

"Oh is that true? Wait I remember you: your Williams' son. Maybe you should shut your trap before your dad gets punished again." he replied. To fill you in, one time Jake and Alex got to fighting and Jake caught Alex with one in the mouth and busted his lip. Naturally Alex being the egomaniac and brat he always is, he asked dad to fire Jake's dad who works Alex's dad company. Alex's dad had a better idea, he suspended Jake's dad without pay until Jake apologized and he was demoted.

"It's OK. Jake, I wouldn't date if he was the last man alive. I've met dollars with more sense than him." Graci said while grabbing Jake's hand. I just started laughing hard at Graci's joke.

"What's so funny Diaper boy?" Alex said while he was turning red. I instantly sobered up after hearing Alex's insult.

“What's funny is how you hide behind daddy. Come on guys lets go.” I said while leading Trevor away. About 30 seconds after we walked away, I saw something out of the corner of my eye, strike Trevor in the back of the head. He let out a "umph" sound and started crying. I had let go of his hand and checked the ground until I spotted it: a quarter sized pebble. When I looked back at Alex and his posse, they were laughing high fiving each other. In a fit of anger, I ran toward Alex and tackled him. Then, began punching any piece of him in sight. As felt his friends grad me and lift me off of him, I realized the danger I just my friends and myself into.

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