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A/N so who saw The Vamps new video for Wild Heart? awh it was so good! I love the song too haha.


At some point in your life, you will find someone that means absolutely everything to you.

Someone you can call yours, the one, your Superstar..

Nat's P.O.V

I couldn't believe it, that dream Beth told me, it was real, it existed. And now i was here too. It's honestly amazing that i'm here with all my favourite people.

I'd been hanging around with the Lawson boys all morning. Beth's been really awkward around me since I saw her with Harry. I knew she was hiding something.

"Hey Nat, if you were a superhero, who would you be?" Andy asked.

"Err...wonderwoman?" I replied. It was honestly the only female superhero i could think of at the time.

"ah that's so typical of you to say! i'd be Batman" Adam replied.

"What? wonderwoman is a am i?" I replied.

"She's also wonderful, like you" Ryan added i giggled and the boys began mocking him.

"Well i don't know about you but spiderman is pretty cool" Joel replied.

"What cause shooting spiderwebs is cool?" Andy asked.

"Yeaaaaaah!" Joel replied enthusiastically.

I laughed and looked around the room. The Janoskian boys were discussing what to do for their next video. I had already met and spoken to them earlier and honestly they're so nice in person.

Then there was One Direction, Louis making jokes as usual with Emma and cracking everbody up. He was definitely the light of this house.

It's so strange being here. Because of how Beth described it, it sounded perfect, and now that i'm in it, it's most definitely perfect and everyone's been so welcoming.

It's like one big massive family.

"So who wants pizza?" Kieran shouted. A few seconds later the house erupted in cheers and 'me's' and Kieran and Sean ran out of the house to fetch the pizza.

I didn't get how that worked though. Ryan told me earlier that nobody else exists in this dream apart from the people living in this house. Which means everywhere else in the world, have no population, as no one exists.

I kinda liked it that way, i mean everyone of us gets along so there's no need to meet anyone new.

I can definitely see why Beth didn't want to wake up.

"So when are you two going to get together than?" Adam asked, the boys smirked and watched mine and Ryan's facial expressions change.

"Ads, really?" Ryan asked sounding a little annoyed.

"Well it's only a matter of time! You obviously both like eachother? and i mean Nat you think Ryan is fit right?" Joel asked. Ryan laughed but then looked at me as if he wanted to know the answer.

"um, yeah" I replied in a sorta cocky tone.

"and Ryan you think Nat is hot don't ya?" Andy added.

Ryan smiled and nodded.

"Totally" He replied. I smiled as Adam gave us the look that said 'told you so'.

"Well enough of that subject i need to hop in the shower" Ryan said jumping up.

"Oh isn't Nat going to join you?"  Adam asked smirking, the other boys laughing.

"Another time" He replied as he winked at me and ran up the stairs. This made the boys laugh even more.

"winning" Andy said and once agan they howled with laughter.

I rolled my eyes and walked over to the One Direction boys. I think it was time i had a word with a certain Mr Harry Styles.


Beth's P.O.V

i could not stop thinking about what happened with me and Harry.

He was just like Beau! Kisses me and leaves me there confused as hell.

The only one i haven't kissed is Dean.

I suddenly heard a slight knock on the door so i turned the hair dryer off and put it down on the drawers.

"Come in!" I called as i sat back on the bed.

And what a surprise, Mr Dean Lemon walks right in. Just when i thought my mind couldn't be any more confused.

"Hey" Dean chimed with his perfectly smily face.

"Hi Dean" i replied back combing through my new hair. I had decided to put a random electric blue streak in my lilac hair, i don't know why, i just guess i wanted to make some sort of statement.

"Like the new hair, the blue makes it stand out, great choice" He stated.

I wasn't used to all these compliments about my hair. But they sure did make me feel good.

"Thank you" I replied as i put the comb down.

"No problem babe, look, i came up here to ask if you were okay, i didn't wanna make things awkward between us because I stayed with you the other night" He explained.

"No, i'm fine, i guess, just really confused" I replied awkwardly.

"That's exactly why i came up here..."

Dean sat on the edge of my bed, sighed and took my hand in his.

"look Beth i like you, staying with you the other night really made me think about how much i actually like you....but i know there's obviously something going on between you and Beau, i can tell by the way he looks at you...and Harry too" He replied.

If he only knew.

"Dean, i haven't made my mind up about anyone yet, truth is, i like you too, but i also like Harry and Beau. But i can't choose all three of you, it's not right. Which is why i'm so confused. Right now all i need is a bit of time to figure this out" I explained.

"Well, maybe this will help you figure it out" Dean replied.

Oh no, not again.

He leaned in and softly preased his lips to mine. This kiss felt so different compared to the others. Harry's was more seductive, Beau's was romantic and Dean's was passionate and delicate...special even?

After a few seconds he pulled away and smiled.

"I guess i'll see you later, if you need anything, come find me" He said before kissing my forehead and disappearing out of the room.

I slumped back in bed and sighed.

"Are you freaking kidding me?" I asked myself.

Here we go again.

Stuck in the moment (Multiple Celebrity Fanfiction) ©Where stories live. Discover now