Chapter 7

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A bright light was attacking Jae Eun's face. She felt it, and slowly opened her eyes, seeing herself in a familiar room. Her bedroom.

She quickly sat up, thinking about what had happened with BTS and Suga.

Where did they go? Why am I home?

Suddenly, the door was opening up and it revealed her fathers secretary. He was holding a bowl of water and a cloth.

"You're awake?" he stepped in, closing the door behind him.

"How did I end up here? I was with-" she cut herself off. She didn't want him to know about what happened in school. It would just cause chaos with her parents and in school.

"I came to pick you up from school and I saw you in a hallway next to the doors with a boy," he explained, soaking the cloth.

"A boy?" Jae Eun wasn't sure which boy he was talking about, but was sure it was Jungkook.

"He was tall, fair and had dark hair," he looked at her as she looked away.

Of course.

"I came up to you, and he politley bowed and greeted before walking away," he said, placing the cloth on her head.

No way...then what happened with Suga? It can't be a dream. It was too real...way too real.

The secretary pushed her back down on the bed gently, tucking her in with the duvet on her.

"You had a fever last night, so stay in bed for a while,"

"But I have school..." Even though she didn't want to go, she would still make her parents angry.

"Unless you want to go to school on a Saturday, I suggest you stay in bed,"


Finally some rest. She had been longing for it. She cuddled up in her blanket at the man left the room.

She couldn't stop thinking about her so called 'dream' with Suga. An idea hit her. She ran out of her bed and looked in the mirror, right at her neck.

There was one mark, but it didn't look like a hickey, it was more of a bruise. She sighed and went back into her bed.

It was bugging her so much. She wanted to know whether it was real or not. There was no evidence but why did it bother her?

Did she want it to happen? Did she want it to be real? Isn't she supposed to hate their guts?

Jae Eun sighed and fell back on her bed. She was so lost in her own thoughts tha she fell asleep.

~Time Skip~

Jae Ean woke up, hanging off of the bed. She sat up and looked at the clock. 5:37pm. She was in bed most of the day.

Her stomach rummbled furiously and she looked down at it for a while.


"I'M SOO HUNGRY," she yelled to herself, and started rolling around on her bed.

"I need, ramen.." she got out of bed and changed into some decent clothes. It was starting to get dark, but she didn't want to stay in. She needed some fresh air, so grabbing some money and her jacket, headed out of the door.

The air was cold and blew across her face. It blew her perfectly straight black hair back and revealed her pale face. She still felt sick, but it wasn't as bad as before.

She was walking down a deserted road, and saw the sun setting in the distance. The sky turned from blue to orange and red. It was an amazing sight. She smiled at it, and it was the first time she did in a long time.

She was walking slowly, with her hands in her pockets and her hair behind her.

No one was around and it was perfect. But not for long.

She felt a strong grip on her wrist, and when she turned, she saw a masked man gripping her. Her heart was beating fast and she was scared. He pulled her into an alley, and she stumbled, hitting other people.

They all wore masks and there were 7 of them.

7 of them...

They all chuckled and surrounded her. One pulled down his mask and revealed his handsome but evil face.

Jae Eun glared at him. Her gaze was piercing right through him.

"Why are you giving me that look?" he asked crossing his arms and chuckling.

"I'm sure you aren't that stupid to not realize," she replied, her voice low, obviously annoyed.

He slammed his hand next to her on the wall and trapped her in between his arms. He was close.

Jae Eun stayed where she was to avoid any unecessary contact.

"My little slave is becoming brave...nice," he smirked.

"Don't you have anything better to do?" she asked rolling her eyes.

He groped the sides of her face and came close that they were touching noses. She tensed up and looked down.

"What's better than torturing a little girl?" he asked, threatning.

"You're sick.." she mumbled.

He lifted her chin. He leaned towards her neck. She froze. But one thing wasn't right. The others weren't there anymore.

What? No...Not again...

He kissed her neck softly, making her shiver. It wasn't nice, because he kissed it right where she had a bruise.

He took her arm, and started lifting up the sleeve. Her eyes widened and she stopped his hand. He looked at her, his eyes narrowing.

"Stop it!" she spat. She tried to make a run for it, but he gripped her by the waist, pulling her against him.

"I think you need to be discplined once again.." his voice was deep.

He pushed her against the wall and punched her right across the face. She screamed in pain, but felt something sticky against her mouth. V appeared and taped it shut.

She struggled to scream, and felt another punch right in her stomach. She yelped inside and felt them all over her body. Kicking and punching took place, and tears were streaming down her face.

All of them appeared out of nowhere and continued.

Jae Eun felt so weak and lay on the floor.

But all of a sudden, it all stopped. She looked up and saw Jungkook with wide eyes staring at her arms.

Her t-shirt was white, and there were blood streaks against it. She tried to sit up, but felt someone do it for her.

Jungkook's shocked face turned into a grin.

"Strip her.."he said.

Jae Eun's eyes widened by his words. Jimin crouched next to her, and forced the t-shirt off of her. They all looked at her in her bra and with her cuts all over her body.

She tried to stand up, but it was hopeless. There were flashes and Namjoon was taking pictures of her. She turned her face away, covering it with her har, but it was no use. Jungkook sat next to her and forced her face towards the camera.

He hugged her and scratched her scars. She shuddered and tears were rolling down her cheeks. Even though there was tape across her mouth, you could still tell it was Jae Eun.

"That's going to be all around school on Monday," he left her there in the alley and they all walked away.

She wripped the tape off her mouth and cried.


Why me?

Why am I living in hell?

Why do they do it to me?



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