Chapter 5: Shadow Play

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That's what I was. A murderer....
What we did......
My fault....
It was MY idea....
All my fault....

All these thoughts and more filled me with dread as I lead our little party out of the establishment. I looked back at James. Head bowed, face hidden in shadows, I couldn't tell what he was thinking. I then looked at Charlotte, face streaked with tears, eyes wide, staring straight forward. Then, at last, I looked at my brother. Bonnie looked shellshocked, twitching and stuttering, and a new wave of tears reached my eyes. Out of all of us, he was the kindest. He wouldn't even yell or shout if he was angry with me. I wanted to say something, anything, to make it better for them, but the words wouldn't come. So I just kept walking, and they followed.

It was my idea to take Mari up to Fredbear. MY idea. James was a little hesitant, Charlotte of course agreed with anything we said, and Bonnie kept saying no. He almost begged us. And what did I do in response? Berated him for it, called him a coward. I wish I had listened.

When we got out, no one could be seen. It was late, and none of us wanted to go home.

"N-n-now what?", Charlotte asked shakingly.

"We have to go home", I replied.

"I can't...", James said, finally looking up. I stared back at him, lifting my eyebrow questioningly.

"I can't go home. I can't return to my father after...after this." He gestured to the building.

"But you can't stay out alone either. Neither can you Charlotte."

"T-th-then where d-d-do we go Freddy?"

"They can stay with us..." Bonnie said quietly, breaking his silence.

"Surely Mum would allow it, given the circumstances, right Freddy?"

I thought about it, looking at each of them. In turn, they each stared back at me. I made my decision.

"Alright. We can try."

And with that, we made our way to our house. When we arrived, our mom took one look at us and swept us inside. She didn't ask too much, she had heard about Mari from the news, though she did offer James her sympathy over what happened. After that, we made our way to the room Bonnie and I shared. It was simple enough, two beds opposite each other, with random bit and bobs strewn across the floor, and a few bean bags in the corner. Our desks, both topped with a computer and moniter, were personalized to our preference. More than enough space for everyone to be comfortable. Although comfort was the LAST thing on our minds right then.

"So, you guys...want to say anything?" Charlotte quietly asked.

When no one replied, I got up and turned out the lights.

"Well, I guess...good night, guys. Find yourself a spot and camp out." I said it lightheartedly, but we all knew that there was no running from this.

Charlotte took the other bed, James just laid his head against the wall, and Bonnie laid down beside me. He had his back to me, so I closed my eyes and tried to sleep. After a while, I heard him softly crying. I opened my eyes, and turned Bonnie around to face me.

"We killed her, WE killed her!" He said in between sobs. Tears flowed like rivers down his face, his blue eyes dulled in the dark. I took his head and gently placed it into my shoulder, running my hand through his hair, like our mother used to do.

"Shh, it's okay Bon, I'm here. Freddy's here."

"It's all our fault Fred, our fault, our fault, all our fault."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2016 ⏰

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