Character Profile

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Full Name:Helena Hope Pym

Codename:The Black Canary

Species: Human



Age: 35

Date of Birth:1980

Status: Alive

Family:Dr.Hank Pym-Farther-Alive
Janet Van Dyne-Mother-Deceased-1994
Ruth Pym-Younger Sister-Alive

Affiliations:Avengers(currently,in secret ),.S.H.I.E.L.D.( formerly,in secret),Pym

Skills: Peak of human physical condition,Fast reflexes, Trained in Martial Arts, Expert Driver, High Intellect,Expert Hacker,Expert Impersonator,Expert Interrogator

Education: Calvary Christian Academy(1994-1998)
Harvard University(2002-2005)

Equipment:Pistol: Helena is very skilled in using guns. She has one holstered on her left leg, but rarely uses it

Black Canary suit: Helena wears a black leather suit while fighting as The Black Canary. The suit was made by .S.H.I.E.L.D. after she joined.She also wears a black mask that only covers the top half of her face.

Canary Cry:It is a sonic device that was made by Tony Stark as a welcoming gift to joining The Avengers

EMP Communication Device:Earpieces made by Helena Pyms farther that allows her to control insects, which she and her farther trained Scott Lang to do as well as her younger sister Ruth.

Weapons:Expandable batons: Helena uses a bo-staff as her main weapon.The staff consists of a pair of expandable batons to fight. They are able to combine into a bo-staff, and was selected by Helena.

Abilities:Expert Scientist: Raised by Hank Pym, It was common that Helena was trained in the sciences.

Expert Martial Artist: Helena had been trained by Natasha Romanoff and Savannah Young in combat skills and fighting techniques, enabling her to become a .S.H.I.E.L.D.agent. Helena also employs a mixed martial art including elements of Muay Thai, Brazilian jiu jitsu, judo, and aikido.

.S.H.I.E.L.D. ID Card:

 ID Card:

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[1] The Ant and The Canary(Scott Lang Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now