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I finished my 4th beer and threw the bottle to the floor. I have no idea where anyone is. I don't even know where I was. I stood up from the couch and walked around. I saw outside and walked out, only to bump into a sliding door, I groaned and rubbed my head. I slid the door opened and stumbled outside

"Is someone drunk?" I looked up from the ice chest and saw Jc on a huge unicorn floaty on the pool. "There no more by the way" he smiled

"No shit Sherlock" I laughed and walked over to the edge of the pool. "What the fuck are you riding?" I laughed

"Hey, he's a person too. This is Gabe" he smiled "join me and Gabe" he reached for a pool noodle and some how paddled towards me. Once he was close enough I carefully got on and laid next to him.

"Where is everyone?" I turned my head to him

"Passed out drunk, or stoned as fuck" he smiled pulling his lighter out.

"Jc I don-"

"Chill, I don't smoke either. I just like running the tips of my fingers through the fire" he smiled

"Don't you get burned?" I moved slightly he froze

"Y/n, I low key don't wanna get soaked so please be careful" he laughed "and no, it feels warn...try" he switched it on and waited for me. I hesitated at first but went for it quickly.

"That was warm" I mumbled "it felt nice" I smiled

"Sometimes something dangerous can be amazing" he muttered staring at the small flame. He switched it off and turned to me. "So how'd you meet Minter?"

"My friend Josh" I simply answered, I hated when people ask me about me and Simon. It reminded me on how I was fake.

"Cute" he smiled. We just turned our heads and looked back up at the stars "drunk?"

"Nah, slightly buzzed I can feeeeel it" I smiled he chuckled and looked up "you?"

"Everyone drank most of the beer before I was even able to get buzzed" he scoffed

"Too bad, soo sad" I sang

"I can push you off" he looked at me and grinned. I looked at where we were, about the middle of the pool.

"I'll pull you with me" I smirked

"Well played" he bit his lip and looked back up.

"What about you?" I asked

"What about me?" He cocked an eyebrow


"Um nah, I was in one. But stuff...." he stayed quiet and sighed "its history though" I nodded understanding that he didn't want to talk about it. "Did you like the party?"

"Like it? I loved it" I smiled "Simon would never do these kind of things with me" I frowned

"So he's socially awkward not a party person huh?" He rested his hands on his stomach

"Nope" I said popping the p

"Do you love him?" He played with his hands

"Yeah" I smiled remembering our Skype call

"Ooo details" he sang I chuckled and shook my head.

"It's not that big, were skyping-" his eyes widened and he cut me off

"Wait wait Skype!?!? That's not a proper way to say 'I love you'" he pouted. I laughed hard and smiled

"How then?"

"You grab her hand" he grabbed mine "look into there eyes" he turned to me "this is the part where you look into my gorgeous eyes" he shook my hand

"There eh" I smirked looking at him. He rolled his playfully and continued

"And tell her 'I love you' then you give like a huge speech why" he shrugged and let go and looked back up at the sky.

"Well he apologised for saying it over Skype" I mumbled

"Apology my asssss" he said in a sassy voice. I laughed relaxed. We stared at the sky just relaxing enjoying the peaceful night. I felt my eyes get heavy and relaxed more. I fell asleep smiling thinking of Simon.


"LOOK HOW CUTE THERE ARE!" My eyes shot opened. I panicked and jumped up, causing me to fall into the cold water. I swam up gasping for air. I looked at Jc who jumped up from under the water

"THE FUCK!" Jc yelled looking over at who yelled. I looked and saw Kian, Ricky and Leen laughing and filming.

"To be honest I'm surprised I didn't roll off while swimming" I admitted swiming to the wall.

"Same" Jc smirked swimming along. I pushed my self up and rolled over to the ground

"Come on loser we have to find the girls and make sure everything ready for tomorrow" Leen squatted beside me.

"What tomorrow?" I rubbed my eyes

"Sunday, first day of playlist" she chuckled. I groaned and held out my arms, she groaned and helped me up. We walked towards the sliding door

"Hold your wet ass up, your soaked so I'll help her look for them" Ricky laughed pushing me back with the tip of his finger. I held my arms in defence and back up.

15 minutes later Leen came out with Miko and Madara that looked like shit. My eyes widened when I saw Miko neck. As we said bye and walked back to Leen house I grabbed her arm and walked ahead.

"Have you looked in the mirror?!?" I glared

"Hey I know I look like shit but come on. Don't have to make fun of me" she pushed me

"Ugh" I reached for my phone only for it to be dripping

"Hah you idiot" she teased

"I have rice!" Leen called from behind us "HOLY SHIT WHAT'S ON YOUR NECK" Leen yelled running up with us


"You mean a leopard?" Miko rolled her. She froze and thought about it. "Please don't tell me" she covered her face. We all nodded and frowned

"Do you know who?" Leen asked catching up with her as she walked faster ahead. She frowned and shook her head. "Who did you hang out with the whole party?"

"Um I don't remember, the last thing I remember is Harry texting me saying some stupid shit" she frowned rubbing her neck.

"Let's just focus on this when we get back,okay?" Leen smiled rubbing her shoulder. She mumbled a yeah and stayed quiet.

I felt bad. What happens when Harry finds out. Will she even tell him. What happened if that was me? What would Si think ?

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