Practice Makes Perfect

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"Smile, babe!"

I looked up, water bottle still in my mouth, as Zen snapped the selfie. It was far from my most attractive photo. I liked the one Zen took last week better. Of course, the outfit I was wearing was much attractive in the last one, and I was prepared. Zen added a caption to the picture, "Only a few more weeks of rehearsals with @sweet.han.ey", and posted it to his many social media pages. I shook my head as I swallowed my mouth full of water.

"You are going to piss off my husband with that," I told him.

"Jumin is still not happy that I got you this job?" Zen asked.

I shook my head, "He thinks that I shouldn't be seen with you like this. He fears the rumors starting. I mean, I get it, but this is more than just a job or a career for me. I love dancing. I have been doing it my whole life."

"And you are good at it!" Zen declared. "Jumin can be so full of himself sometimes. Is he not thinking of you? You are a free spirit! You can't be locked away in the house!"

"No, it isn't like that," I defended. "He finds what I do to be a bit promiscuous. He saw me working out the moves for the scene between Sang and Hana in the third act."

"Ah, the bedroom tango," Zen said, nodding. "You are a choreographer! You are writing a story with your body, and you are brilliant at it. The way your mind and body move so fluidly is such a beautiful talent! Does he not see that?"

I shrugged, "All he saw was that video of you and I practicing the routine so you could be ready for the actress."

"That damn leaked footage!" Zen cursed as she wiped the sweat from his brow.

I sighed, "Exactly! While he wasn't too keen with us working together in the first place, especially after how many strings you had to pull to get me this job, that footage and the rumors that started because of it has him shaken."

"Has he used the word 'cage' since it was released?" Zen asked with a laugh.

I playfully shove him, "Dork."

We sat next to each other on the floor of the studio. Zen and I were business partners. I had been a dancer my whole life. I was in school for dance when I met Jumin. Zen to hook me up with a big musical production job straight out of school, and I couldn't be more thankful to him. There was no attraction between us, anymore. After we started working together, I was nothing more than a business associate to Zen. Jumin still didn't trust it.

As my phone started to ring, I asked Zen if he could grab it for me. He was closer, and I was stretching my back. He reached for my bag and pulled it on to the floor. Everything scattered. I sighed. He pulled out my phone and handed it to me. The screen was lighting up and with big letters read "DADDY".

I sighed bitterly, "This won't end well."

"Are you and your father arguing?" Zen asked before taking a drink of his water.

"Hello, Jumin," I said as I answered the phone.

I screamed as Zen spit out his water on me. He coughed and hacked, beating his chest. He looked confused and angry at the same time. I shoved him roughly.

"Sorry, my love," I apologized, knowing how much he hated loud noises on phone calls. "Is everything alright?"

"Come home, now," he said sternly.

I raised a brow, "Is everything okay?"

"Does Zen understand that you are my wife, or that there are already rumors spreading that you two are having an affair behind my back?" Jumin asked.

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