1. please let the rain stop...or not

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It was stormy outside the cafe and Maine fidgeted in her seat by the window as she watched the heavy downpour.

"...uhh...hi....may I sit here?" a guy's voice broke her thoughts as she glanced at the full cafe before looking up at the source of the voice.

"...y...yeah sure...." Maine removes her things from the table beside her and puts it on the chair beside her.

"...you want to put some of them here?" the guy offers and puts the bigger bag on the chair beside him, across Maine.

"...th...thanks...." Maine smiles and looks away.

"....by the way, I'm Richard...." the guy speaks again and smiles at Maine, his hand extended for a handshake.

"Maine...I'm Maine...." Maine takes Richard's hand.

"...not to sound that I'm stalking but we live in the same village..."


"I always see you walking at around this time...."

"...I walk home from work...."

"Ahh really?"

"Well, I commute to the village gate then walk....wala naman kasing service sa loob ng village e...."

"True. I've lived in the village all my life but there never has been a service there....kawawa nga yung mga Ate when they go to the palengke...."

"We moved from the province 2 years ago and I've commuted eversince....well, on weekdays to and from work..."

"Hmm...so, where do you work?"


"Ahh....nearby lang....do you want a ride home? I don't think this rain will be stopping any time soon..."

"...ah...no....it's okay....I'll wait it out...." Maine slumped on her seat, resigned at the thought of staying a while at the cafe.

"Okay...." Richard stood up and left.

Maine pulled out some papers and her pencil case from her bag; she pushed her coffee mug aside and opened a file she had brought.

"....here....I hope you like tuna....well, they didn't have any other sandwiches left....." Richard had returned and was putting down plates and bottles of juice on the table from the tray he was carrying. Maine looked up at him, a bit confused.

"...the rains aren't stopping, o....let's eat nalang muna...." Richard continued as he sat down again.

"...ahh...thanks..." Maine said meekly.

"You're welcome..." Richard smiled, showing his dimple. "What's that?" speaking while he was chewing on his sandwich and using this to point to Maine's papers.


"Ahh....eat na muna....later na yan...."

"Thanks...thanks...." she smiled and picked up a tissue to pick up the sandwich. She folded it around the sandwich like a packet before taking a bite.

Richard was astounded and amused by this "quirk" so he just smiled and continued eating.

When it had gotten a bit darker outside and the people in the cafe thinned out, the rains had not ceased. All this time, Richard buried his nose in a thick manual he was reading while Maine worked quietly.

"...uhmm...Maine...it's 9:00pm na....let's go home na...."

"...haaay....ulan...." she said as she leaned back on her seat.

"I'll take you home na....ang dami mong dala o...."

"Are you sure? I can manage...."

"..I insist...." Richard said as he stood up and got some of Maine's things on the chair beside him.

Maine slowly stands up and collects her other things. Richard was already by the cafe's door looking back at her, smiling.

He picks up his umbrella from the umbrella rack and they rush to his car which was parked across the street from the cafe. He opens the door for her and opens the back door to put her things and his book inside. She looks inside the car while waiting for him to ride and inside were coloured papers and origami figures strewn across the back seat of the car. There was also a big open bag with what looked like toys.

Richard enters the car and starts the engine.

"....rain...rain...go away...."  kids music starts playing.

"...OOPS!" Richard chuckles and immediately changes the music to a pop tune.

Maine just smiles and adjusts her seatbelt. "I live on Reyes...." she says.

"....okay...." Richard replies and drives.

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