17. accidents happen...but not to my baby, please

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Maine and Rj didn't really move from the kitchen when they heard Sebi call out for his Mom. They thought that he had probably knocked down something in his bedroom.


All three adults ran as fast as they could to Sebi's bedroom upstairs. True enough, his chair had toppled over and pieces of his broken project were scattered on the floor. Sebi, who was standing in the middle of the room, was holding his chin with his hand but blood was dripping down his arm.

Yaya Peng sprung into action and tried to clear the things on the floor. Rj ran for the bathroom and got a small towel that he wet with water. "Yaya! Ice!"

Maine took the towel from Rj and gently applied pressure to Sebi's chin which was cut open. The boy was crying really hard both in pain and in fear.

"Shhh....shhh....it's okay....you're okay....shhhh...." Maine consoled her son.

"Seb...hold this...." Maine told Sebi to hold the towel against his wound.

Without speaking much, Rj scooped the sobbing boy in his arms and carried him downstairs. They rushed to the car as Maine cradled Sebi on her lap and Rj drove.

They were immediately rushed into the paediatric emergency section and given a bed for Sebi to lie on. The boy was wailing and screaming the whole time as the doctors and nurses tried to asses him. It was decided that they were going to stitch him up right at the emergency room.

Sebi's arms and legs were wrapped in the bed sheets and Rj was asked to hold down Sebi's legs while Maine held on to his body and arms. A male nurse stood by the boy's head and held it. "Close your eyes lang....brave yan e...." the nurses kept on assuring the boy; As the anaesthesia worked and the doctor expertly stitched the wound close, a total of 6 stitches.

The wound was bandaged with Rj consoling his son as Maine spoke with the doctor. "....the wound will take around 2 weeks to heal...the thread will melt but we need to check on him again after the 2nd week to make sure that he's healing well..."

Tita Doc Patty, Sebi's paediatrician arrived and talked to the couple as Sebi slept. "He should be okay na....no need for him to stay here....bed rest for 3 days and he should be fine to go back to school....change the dressings daily....."

"Okay...thanks Patty...."

"Rest na rin....he's fine...your boy is just naturally malikot...." Tita Doc Patty patted Maine's arm and said goodbye.

They settled their bills and went home.

"Mommy....Daddy....I'm sorry....." Sebi said as he lay in between Maine and Rj early the next morning. They let the boy sleep in between them that night after they returned from the hospital.

"....just be careful next time...." Rj put his arm around the boy.

"...can you tell Mommy what happened?" Maine snuggled next to Sebi and let Rj run his fingers through her hair.

"....I was trying to put my project on the top of the book case....kasi I don't want anyone to touch it.....but it was too high....I slipped....I hit my chin on the table...."

"...on the corner of the table?"

The boy nodded.

"Haaay....okay....next time talaga, please be careful....please....please...."

"I promise...." Sebi said.

Maine kissed her son on the cheek while Rj kissed him on the head.

lucky coincidenceTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon