you wear glasses

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"Y/N I have to -- hey didn't know you wore glasses, you look cute." Wanda smiled at you.
"Thanks Wanda. " You said shyly. 
"What do you need glasses for?" She asked .
"Far sight.  And reading. " You say.
"Aww babe ." She hugs you.
"Tony thinks I look like a dork." You tell her.
"Screw what your brother thinks he's an idiot when it comes to that stuff." Wanda said smiling.
"Yeah that's true" I said.
"With that big brain of his he tends to be quite stupid ." You say laughing. 
"That's my girl." Wanda said .
"Someone talking bout me?" Tony called .
"If we were you'd know about it ." I said .
"Jarvis were they talking bout me?" Tony asked.
"Yes they called you stupid sir." He replied. 
"Jeez thanks Jarvis !" You said annoyed.
"Your welcome miss y/n " I rolled my eyes damn AI is even sassy.

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