Cornball Chick Flick Type Movie

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Sometimes it's good to, yanno, sit and ponder on the past. Not the bad times, because trust me, ain't nobody for time for that. I mean on the memories, the ones worth remembering. Memories can be so horrible and beautiful at the same time. With that being said, let me explain..

The weeks had came and gone and Zac kept his promise about the gift giving thing. I started to remember what made me love him in the first place. But anyways, it was finally my birthday and the day at Disney Land. The plan was to go about an hour early with Lori and meet the guys there. Me and Lori both stood looking in the mirror and checking our outfits and make up. I was wearing high waisted ripped, acid washed jeans with a white Chanel crop top and a white Chanel beanie and white converse. I curled my hair and perfected my make up. I couldn't help but smile, I actually looked decent for once.

"I can't believe were doing this! Like omg, I'm bringing my camera, this is going to be Tumblr worthy. Speaking of that, can I have a picture with the birthday girl?"

I laughed and handed Lori her camera off of my dresser.

"Hell yeah!"

In the middle of our pictures, my mom walked in and stood at the doorway.

"Caught talking selfies. Haha you ladies look gorgeous."

"Thanks mom"

She smiled, but the kind of smile that had tears behind it.

"Mom I swear if you cry..."

"Shut up"

She laughed and ran over to me and gave me a hug. We literally did the same thing every year. You'd think she'd be happy that I was getting older and soon going to college. After I finally got her to let me go and go to work, I grabbed my car keys and took me and Lori to Starbucks. Our excitement couldn't be contained, and it was obvious. Lori was rocking her new PULIDO beanie and all she could talk about was Brandon. She came to the conclusion that she was over Mathais.

"I can't believe were about to see the guys in DISNEY omg, this is huge!"

Lori threw her hands in the air for emphasis and shook off the strange stares we were getting since Starbucks was kinda quiet.

"Haha I know! I'm so proud of them! And apparently they have a surprise for me.."

"Oh you still don't know what that is? I've known for weeks."

My eyes shot open. Literally everyone knew what my surprise was except me.Zac even told my mom and she's been non stop giddy about it.

"What?! You have to tell me!"

Lori took a sip of her hot chocolate and shook her finger at me in the process.

"That's no fun. You'll see soon enough."


My heart was racing all throughout rehearsals. I had done many shows before and Mira was practically at them all but this was different. I had finally finished the song and I could only pray that she liked it. But what if she didn't?

"Zac, bro, snap out of it. We need to get dance moves down."

Nick's voice snapped me out of my trance and I nodded. We had a couple more hours until the show started but I couldn't help but feel like no matter how much I practiced, I'd see her face and freeze. Especially if she looks beautiful as always. I shook my head and tried to focus on the moves to the routine.


"Happy Birthday beautiful"

"Thanks Zac!"

I gave her a hug and kissed her forehead and then let her go so she could hug the Mathias, Nick, Brandon and Levi. She looked gorgeous as always which didn't help my nervousness. The girls left backstage to go get a spot front row before everyone else came. The place filled up quickly with screaming girls from all over Cali but there was only one girl I had to impress tonight.


I grabbed Mira's hand and pulled her towards the cotton candy place near and indoor arcade. Buying two big pieces, we sat down against the wall and stared at the crowd buzzing into the stadium.

"Are you nervous?"

I looked over at Mira to see her fumbling with her thumbs. She started to a answer but at that moment the lighting hit her perfectly and it was definitely tumblr worthy.

"WAIT shut up and don't move."

She let out a long puff of air but obeyed as I snapped a picture of her.

"Okay continue."

"Anyways I was saying that yes I'm nervous for this surprise thing that no one wants to tell me about."

"Don't worry, you'll love it"

I gave her a reassuring hug and lead her back to our seats. I set my camera to record and prepared for the moment we were both waiting for. Zac's song. I hadn't heard it yet so I was excited too. I was also ready to see Mathi.... I mean Brandon! What was up with me? Mathias made it clear that he didn't want me so I moved on... right? I didn't even have time to think about it because the lights dimmed and a small skinny man came onto the stage.

"How are y'all doing tonight?!"

The crowd responded with a loud scream, including me and the still nervous Mira.

"Great! Because the first band we have coming up is-"

He paused and looked down at his paper naming some band I didn't know. They were pretty hot so I recorded them anyways. Three bands later, the short dude was back.

"Yeah! Having fun?!"

A round of applause erupted and I stole a glance at Mira. There was only one band left, BBP. Instinctively I grabbed my best friends hand as the boys walked onto the stage.



I was grateful for my best friends hand and squeezed it tightly. I was so nervous and I'm guessing it was pretty obvious. They had three songs they could preform but I has no idea which three they were doing. The first one was their own song, Find That Girl. Of course I knew all of the words and I had to sing along. The second song is what shocked me. Remember when I was talking about memories? Yeah well I'll never forget this one. It was a mash up song of A Drop In The Ocean by Ron Pope, As Long As You Love Me by JB and Forever and Always by Parachute. I felt the tears threatening but none fell. Our songs... Mathias took lead and Zac followed in.

"A drop in the ocean. A change in the weather. I was praying that you and me might end up together."

"Were under pressure. 7 billion people in the world tryin to fit in. Keep it together."

""Because you are my heaven. I want you forever. Forever and always. Please just remember even when I'm not there."

At that point I wiped a tear. What a brilliant choice of songs by the way. I was just about to scream to Zac that I loved him until he got out of his seat while the boys continued to sing. I got excited because I thought he was going to pull me on stage and Boom, there's the surprise. It didn't go how I thought.

A blonde haired girl a couple seats to the right of me was Zac's target. Don't get me wrong, he's pulled up girls before in front of me, I didn't care. But it was different that time... that was our song... songs actually. Zac glanced at me and smiled and that's where I broke. I grabbed my phone and tried to break through the crowd, I needed to get out of there. I felt like I couldn't breathe. I didn't know why but it hurt. He wasn't my boyfriend, he could sing whatever song to whatever girl except for those. Those were ours. I heard the singing stop but I still kept pushing through the crowd. I could faintly hear Lori screaming my name and coming after me but I still kept going. The silence was quite awkward but I didn't care. I had to get out of there. The music started again but this time I had to stop when I heard it. Maybe it was the guitar or the voice behind it but whatever it was, I stopped. Lori finally caught up to me and grabbed my shoulders, spinning my around towards the stage.


I tuned in to the words and I could recognize them. It was like.. like Zac wrote it. I mean he was the one singing after all. The girls in the audience seemed to be in awe as he sung. I soon realized something that made me run back towards the front of the crowd with Lori following me, video camera in hand. The song... it was about me. It was about us. As I finally made my way back, Zac was on the last verse and he was staring right at me. He got off of the stool he was sitting on and say on the edge of the stage two feet away from me. I got lost in his Hazel eyes that I grew to love. They showed a bit of nervousness mixed with sincerity as he sung the last two verses.

"From our anniversaries
To times we didn't speak
The fights we had
The tears that shed
That time we kissed
I got scared and I missed
Or when I was scared to hold you hand
So you grabbed mine first instead
Memories we share
I want them forever to be
This isn't a proposal but
Promise you'll marry me?

Shorty I don't need the moon
You're already my star
I don't need the night sky when I got
You're perfect to me
And when you left I couldn't breathe
I could only pray the way I love you
Is the way you love me."

When I thought I could cry any harder, he dug into his pocket and pulled out a box. In the box was the ring. The promise ring I gave back to him.. he kept it?

"I know I screw up like a lot but I promise to love you forever. Im in front of all these people begging you, please come back to me.. I need you."

You could hear "awh"s and "say yes"s coming from the crowd but I still wasn't sure. Not only was the performance still registering but the fact that he broke my heart was always burned in the back of my brain. I shrugged my shoulders and hung my head. I literally did not know. He jumped off the stage and bend down on one knee infront of me. I could see the sweat beating down on his forehead and a half crooked smile full of hope.

"I'm on my knees.. Please."

I stayed quiet as the crowd cheered. I looked over at Lori and saw a camera instead. I could hear my friends voice behind it though telling me that this was the part when I say 'yes.' So I did.

"Yes. Now get up and kiss me?"

"YES! YES!!!!"

The guys on stage along with the crowd screamed and cheered as I kissed my Zac Mann. My Buzz Lightyear. My infinity and beyond. He slipped the ring on my finger and revealed his which was on a necklace under his shirt. I felt like some cornball chick flick type movie but it was okay, I kinda liked it... I kinda loved it actually.


I don't know if it was the courage Zac had or the mood or the fact that I listened to drake before the show but I hopped of stage and straight towards Lori. She kind of had a glow to her and her mouth was wide open. I smiled and she lowed the camera and smiled back at me



I couldn't help but kiss her, she was so perfect. Annoying at points, clingy at others but she was perfect to me. Love was in the air that night. Or it was Cupid messing with me. Either way, Zac got his girl, I got mine. I hated how it felt like a dumbass girl movie scene but I kinda loved it.


Sorry this is so rushed >.< but I love y'all and thank you for the support! Today was my actual birthday too lol
Anyways I hope you somewhat enjoyed this and next chapter I'm going to write out the whole song.

In other news!

The contest for the PULIDO beanie is still on! The deadline is 12/10/13! Enter to win the PULIDO beanie (:

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