the end

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I felt myself spring awake half of a blurring running white sheet next to me. I felt my destabilised body bounce up and down. As the face looked at me it vanished as my eyes slowly closed.

"AVA..." someone came running at me.

I felt the fluffy hair as something picked me up but the waist. He was laughing fully alive. I could feel his skin against my fingers.

"My light."

"Yes, I'm hear" he puts me down addressing to himself. The figure dressed in white plad shirt and light blue jeans.

I ran unconsciously tightening him in a hug, my tears making a patch in his clothes. I felt his warn breath on me calming me.

"I'm guessing you missed me then." I nodded back. Tears on constant flow.

I couldn't speak I was to shocked to say anything that could ruin any of this.

"I missed you too." My head accepted the kiss planted on my head. I did care I loved it so much.

Looking up at him he smiled, I smiled crying seeing his smile. We hugged for what seemed like forever and yet not long enough.

"Come on, I got some place to show you."

He guided me to a single tree. It's branches a pastel green. We ran under it.

"This is my favourite place, it means alot to me." He walks around it lying down on the free grass. The wind blowing a gentle breeze, as the the tree's few branches fall and get swept away by the wind. " This place is filled with love, look at this tree here, it's a representation of all the love given to me by each person each day." I nod placing my head on his shoulder.

The tree's make Patten's above us as more and more branches fall. " Well this love only lasts certain amount of time, because the minute that loves forgotten about or is no longer used the branch falls. " He sighs after allowing the wind to lift up his curls. "You want to know a beautiful thing?" I nod repeatedly " that our branch will never fall." I smile, his arm tight around me, I slowly fall into peace.

The soft wind around me. Corry stands, walking off down the hill. I stand after him. But the wind knocks me down. I stand again but an repeatedly nocked until he's disappeared. The branches and twigs surround me. I feel a tug.

I am alone again.
"CORRRY, CORRYYYYYYYY. CORRYYYYYYYYYYYYYY I LOVE YOU!!!!!!! Corry I love you,....I love you. So don't leave me alone..." I curl up crying, the sound of just me irritates me. I look up.

Just white, all white.

Until I feel soft hands hold me. I look up and smile.


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The end.

Drawing life - (Completed and rewritten)Where stories live. Discover now