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"That man saved you and your hot brother? Damn.."

"He's such a hero!"

For another half an hour the girls around me make comments like this. It was so nice to gossip like girls my age, everything felt normal.
It didn't feel like we had a death sentence. It didn't feel like we were going to war. It just felt normal.

Suddenly, the dorm door swings open and makes a loud crash as it collides with the wall.

Levi stands there, in pyjamas and an angry expression his face.

"Go to bed, you whining women!"
He yells. He looks around at us and his face softens a little when he sees me.

He storms out, slamming the door behind him.

"So heroic!" I joke.

Eventually, we all go to sleep.

Fire (Levi Ackerman x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now