Chapter 2 (edited)

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Jazzy pov

Now I know what you're thinking me trying to be the hero but no I honestly hate people bad mouthing others especially if they don't know what that person has been through that's just me but anyway.
My name is jasmine some people call me jazzy or jazzyT and I am an orphan at sunshine girls orphanage in Seattle my story is a very gruesome story so  I will spare you the details. All you need to know is that I have been here since I was 4 and I have never known what having a loving mother was like. I am 14 years old and my birthday is April 19th


I get off my bed and go  downstairs where Mari called my name she is the "mother " here but she is anything but loving well at least to  me I feel  more like her slave than anything else

"yes" I answer

"why  the hell have you not done your chores today"

"I have done it just everyone keeps messing shit up," I say

" Well  if they mess it up  then  you clean  it up it's not like you have anything else to  do  your ass ain't getting adopted and you're not trying to  do  anything in school and watch your mouth before I kick you in it "

" It, not my fault I don't get adopted and I have all  A's and my GPA is a 4.0"
" since when  just

"last week your teacher was calling saying you don't do  shit"

"That wasn't me the was Jennifer you really can't tell  the difference between  jasmine and Jennifer"

"Go clean  the fuck up  and pull  your damn weight no dinner for you tonight for being a smart ass"

I knew full well that she wasn't going to feed me regardless of what I said it's not like she actually cares what happen to  me and by the fact I haven't really eaten  in months

I go in the kitchen and clan that then  the main room then ALL the bedrooms and bathrooms basically my chores is to  clean and cook  for the whole house constantly and not have a life

Anyway by the time I finish cleaning the place and running after messy kids its 5 pm and I have to  get started on making dinner for 19 girls not including myself

I get the things out  I need to  make spaghetti and garlic  bread which is the house favorite

I boil the noodles make the meatballs and sauce then out is all  together and bake the bread after taking out the bread I get 20 plates and eat a meatball I set the table and then call  everyone down  

I put food on all  the plate and give them  drinks before cleaning the kitchen AGAIN as well as all  the dishes they ate off of the I finally get peace and got finish my homework  for school tomorrow

Hopes pov

After dinner, we had  small meeting talking about our next game we were free to  go  for  the rest of the night

"HOPE!!!!"tobin yelled as we walked back to our rooms

" What and stop yelling," I said

"Who  this girl  she seems like a boss" she exclaimed showing me the phone

it was the comments under my post from earlier

"All she did was tell  people to  shut up how is she a boss, "I asked

"Well she did more than you did she stood up for you plus she is pretty "

"Yeah I know she stood up for me and I know that she's pretty I saw her pictures"

"She an orphan" tobin said

"I know that to  what exactly are you getting at Tobin"

"That maybe you should adopt her she could balance you out maybe she could keep you from saying the wrong thing and also give you a reason to  find your passion again at least go  meet her or invite her to  the game, " tobin said

" Do you actually think I could handle a kid? "I said

"No but I think it will be good for you and it's obvious  she 's not a baby plus she thinks very highly of you plus she has never really known what having a mother is like"

"Exactly Tobin what if I fuck it up  then she never knows"

"Hope you won't but you should meet her at the very least"

"Why are you pushing this so hard," I asked

"Because you know how spiritual I am and I feel like God wants this to  happen," she said
"just think about it," she said and walked away

"what was that about," ash asked

"Tobin says I should invite this orphan girl to the game to  meet her "


" she says that I'm meant to meet her and she will balance me  out or something, "I said

" Well  maybe she will it won't hurt to just try and see how it goes," ash  said

"Why does everyone keep saying that," I asked annoyed

" Because Hope you lost your passion and well we think that maybe a kid will help," she said

"But why a kid"

"Because you don't think anyone else cares about you anymore and that girl has shown that she does more than just once  she has done it anytime someone attacked you"

"OK well even if I wanted to  invite her Jill would have to  approve," I said sitting on my bed


"Well  what, what did you do?"

Right as I asked that the door opened and Jill walked in

"Well  hope I have already approved it  I just really want you to  find your passion again "

I was a little  shocked, to  say the least but I knew they all had my best interest at heart

"All you have to  do is say yes," ash said

"Fine, Fine ill meet her cant really hurt anything," I said

I honestly don't know what I just got myself into but I really do hope its for the best I mean it cant be to  bad





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