Get yo ass up fool

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Both girls make their ways towards the stables which were sitting in perfect in order, not a spec of dust in sight. Walking into the tack room to collect a bridle and saddle for Luna "so Jesy, since I haven't seen you ride before I'm going to watch how you go and then next time I'll get on along with you" Perrie states towards the other girl "I'd say you'd be good though if you danced because you would have damned good balance" she says looking at Jesy with a smile.
They walk into the stable with tack in hand (and a grooming kit) "so babe, what do you want me to do with this" Jesy asks, lifting the saddle up slightly, causing Perrie to tingle at the name 'babe' "um... Just set it on the stable door, we have to brush her first." With this Jesy slides across to the stable door and sets the saddle on top, Perrie then sets the bridle on top. Perrie then lifts a brush out of the grooming bag and hands it to Jesy, then grabs one for herself. "What's this brush called?" Jesy asks out of curiosity. "That brush is called a curry comb, you brush the horse in circles with it. It's good for removing the dirt under her coat." Perrie smiles at the slightly older girl. Jesy then starts to comb through Luna's coat, Perrie sees that she is struggling so she goes up behind her and places her right hand on Jesy's, moving her hand in small circular motions causing dust to rise up out of Luna's coat "see babe, that's how you do it" Perrie smiles, resting her hand on Jesy's hip a second before realising where it was, ripping it off her like she wishes her clothes would. Around 5 or 10 minutes of brushing, Perrie shows Jesy how to tack up. "Why does that thing have to go in her mouth?" Jesy questions, glancing at the metal bit coated in rubbery plastic "that's to help control her, it doesn't really hurt them unless you pull the reins very hard but I wouldn't let you do that"
Walking out of the stables, with Luna at her hand, Makes their way to the arena. Once they are there, Perrie pulls Luna to a stop and puts the reins back over her head. "So Jesy, on the count of 3 I want you to jump up onto her and swing your leg over the other side. Got it?" Perrie asks while holding Jesy's bent leg at the knee and ankle "1...2...3..go" upon Jesy jumping, Perrie pushed her leg up to help her on, only to realise she pushed slightly too hard when she hears an oomph coming from the other side of Luna. Looking across, Perrie rushes to see if she is ok, only to find her laughing her ass off "okay doll, let's get you up and actually on this time" Perrie laughs, Jesy still unable to get up with her hysterical laughing "get yo ass up fool, before Luna stands on you" Perrie says with an emphasised American tone while pulling the older girl up. "So... now I see you can't do a leggie, I'll let you use the mounting block" Perrie said between  her giggles which Jesy thought they were the angels singing from above. Nodding her head eagerly, Jesy climbs up onto the mounting block, waits for Perrie to get to the other side of Luna, then she puts her foot in the stirrup and gently throws her leg so she is straddling the saddle "that was a bit easier on the ass" Jesy says in one of her Scottish accents, in reality, she was just trying to hide the fact that her bum was quite sore. "Now that you're on, let us begin" Perrie says leading Luna into a walk. 

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