Morning beautiful (smut)

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The sun was shining through the windows as neither Jesy or Perrie could be bothered to close the curtains last night. For a change, the weather outside was actually quite nice. Jesy began to stir as the light was slightly too bright, she looks to her right and sees a head of blonde hair- after this, memories from last night come flooding back to her. She sure as hell doesn't regret it, hopefully the beauty beside her feels the same way. Jesy stared intently at the blonde goddess beside her, taking in how peaceful and innocent the girl looked when she was sleeping. "You know it's rude to stare" she hears the raspy voice from beside her, startling her out of her  thoughts "morning beautiful" Jesy caresses a piece of the blondes unruly hair "morning love.... listen... about last night. We can forget about it if you want, I know I won't be able to.." Jesy cuts the blonde off with a kiss "how can I forget about last night when it was the best night I've ever had! I do have a question though" Jesy states looking into the gorgeous blue eyes in front of her "I know we are doing this a bit backwards but will you do the honours of becoming my girlfriend?" The blonde just pulls her down to her level and kisses her like there is no tomorrow. Of course, things get a tad heated and Jesy ends up straddling her hips, grinding down on the girl underneath her. Perrie flips the both of them over so she is on top "remember sweetheart... when we are in the bedroom, I am the boss.. understood?" Perrie grinds down on Jesy harder than before, causing both girls to moan loudly "and as much as I want to continue this, but I'm starving! How about I go and make some well deserved breakfast and then we can continue this little party. You stay here and look like the goddess you are, and I'll bring up the food" Perrie says kissing Jesy's cheek before getting up to put on underwear and a baggy top to at least look slightly decent in front of the other girls if they were up and awake.
As Perrie walks out, Jesy takes a minute to look the blonde up and down before thinking on the events that happened between last night and that moment in time. She was well and truly happy with the way things have worked out "maybe we could be staying for longer than anticipated" Jesy mumbles to herself.
Meanwhile in the kitchen, Perrie decides on whisking up some chocolate chip pancakes and bacon. She's singing away to herself when she hears a throat being cleared behind her, she turns around to see both Jade and Leigh-Anne smirking at her "so Perrie, did you have a good night?" Leigh asks her. Of course Perrie blushes like mad but she quickly recovers "well, I had a great night. I'm sure you heard about what happened in the bar toilets" Jade and Leigh look at each other and burst out laughing "aye, and we heard you last night when you came home again.... Jesus Perrie, you must've been good! Wait Leigh, how many hours was it?" Jade cackles out "must have been at least two Jade" Perrie turns around to concentrate on the food she has cooking, ignoring the two laughing fools before they seem to disappear again, leaving the blonde in thought about how much they actually heard.

When the pancakes and bacon are done, Perrie piles up the food on two plates onto a tray along with two glasses of orange juice as well as a bowl of mixed fruits. She makes her way upstairs to Jesy's room with the tray of food, she opens the door only to find Jesy is not there. It's not until she hears the shower going, she realises where Jesy is. She takes a minute to contemplate wether to wait in the bed or to go in. Of course, she makes her way to the bathroom that's joined to the room and knocks on the door "Jesy it's me, can I come in" she hears a brief "door's unlocked" before she opens the door and walks in. Perrie's breath catches in her throat as she sees Jesy in her glory standing in the shower with the door open for her "I thought you were never going to get here" Jesy whispers as the blonde nears her. Perrie turns Jesy around so her back is facing her and she grabs the soap from the side of the shower. She proceeds to squeeze some out on her hands and begins to wash her lovers back, placing small loving kisses on her neck as she does so. Perrie works her way lower, kneeling down on her knees so she can wash the brunette's ankles, she makes her way up the smooth legs of the girl, making sure to focus on cleaning her. She then turns Jesy around so she is facing her - she then proceeds to wash her from her ankles again, making her way slowly up the girl's legs. Whilst doing this, Perrie keeps her eyes on where she is washing because she knows if she looks up, this innocent shower won't be as innocent as it intended to be, not that her or Jesy would mind. "For fuck sake Pez, please do something because you're making me horny when you're doing that" Perrie looks up to see that the woman's hazel eyes are clouded with lust. She stands up and washes her hands under the shower head (sadly, she can't take this one off the wall but she can with her own shower) she gets back down on her knees and places one of Jesy's legs over her shoulder and starts kitten licking her opening, missing out on her clit until Jesy gets frustrated and grabs handfuls of Perrie's hair, pulling her head to where she wanted her. Of course, Perrie thought that this was hot but Jesy seemed to be forgetting who was in charge here. So, Perrie stands up, pushes Jesy against the wall and starts choking her gently "who's in charge here Jesy.. when we are done in here, you are not to get dressed or wrap yourself up in a towel. You will go, lean over the end of the bed and wait for me" Jesy nods her head as Perrie loosens her grip "no daddy... keep choking me, show me how bad I've been" Perrie then lets out an animalistic growl as she chokes the girl harder and plunges three fingers into the older woman's vagina causing her to let out a choked scream, after a few minutes Perrie decides to add another finger then another until she was fisting the woman who was soon to cum. Perrie turns off the shower and Jesy hobbles out to do what the blonde ordered "holy shit, that was hot" Jesy said to herself quietly so Perrie wouldn't hear her. Perrie drys herself off and walks out, wrapping herself in a nightgown "I'll be back in a minute, don't think on moving a muscle" with that Perrie walks out to go to her own room to grab a paddle from her special cupboard. She then walks back into Jesy's room and locks the door behind her, Jesy catches a glimpse of the paddle and she begins to shiver with anticipation, she couldn't deny the pool forming between her legs when she saw the blonde sashaying her direction with a smirk across her features "you've been a naughty girl, jessica. I'm glad you didn't move though. Or else I would've had to increase the spankings" the blonde kneels down to her level "I wouldn't want to damage that pretty bum of yours now, would I?" She makes her way closer to Jesy's ear and whispers "you're going to get 10, I want you to count each one. Okay?" Jesy nods her head and remembers Perrie wants her to use her words "yes daddy" Perrie gets up and strokes her hand down Jesy's spine, admiring all the muscles on her back. She almost forgot what she was supposed to do. Perrie lifts the paddle and brings it down on Jesy's left bum cheek "one", she does this again on the right "two" and it continues this way until they reach ten. By this time, Jesy was extremely horny and Perrie caught wind of this when she went to rub lotion on her bum, she spread her legs to sit between but she saw how wet she was "Jesy, you didn't tell me you were into spanking THIS much" the blonde looks surprised at how much this affected her lover "I suppose I may reward you for being such a good girl for daddy". At this point the two were unaware of their friends sitting outside the door listening to what was going on while eating the food they got from Jesy's room about five minutes before the pair came out of the shower, they can't say they weren't surprised at what was going on in the bedroom.

Perrie crawled up Jesy's back and started to suck on the back of her neck, she then makes her way down her back, leaving marks here and there down her spine "get up" Perrie commands and Jesy obliges, standing up, Perrie then lays back with her head propped up on a pillow "get on my face" Jesy gets on her face and is surprised when she's pulled on downwards onto the blonde's tongue, Perrie was making sure her nose would bump into Jesy's clit every time she would lick upwards. Jesy was soon a cumming mess as she squirted all over Perrie's mouth and down her chin "holy fuck that was hot" Perrie breathed out when she cleaned the brunette up and brought her down for a cuddle "wait... I made breakfast, where did it go?" Perrie soon brings up "there was nothing in here when I came in from the shower" Jesy breathed out, still not over her amazing orgasm. Perrie takes a minute before realising what happened "I'm going to kill those two!" She got up and unlocked the door to find the two girls were running down the corridor towards Jade's room "I'm going to kill you both" Perrie shouts after the pair who seemed to find this absolutely hilarious. Perrie makes her way back to the bedroom to find Jesy passed out "baby... wake up, you need to get something to eat" Perrie kisses Jesy softly as she begins to wake up "we have food thieves here, how about we get dressed in some pjs and go downstairs so I can whip us up something to eat" Jesy just nods tiredly and takes the clothes the blonde hands her and slowly puts them on as she's still a bit tender from their activities "here gorgeous, let me help" Perrie rushes to her side to help her get dressed "sorry if I was a bit rough, I don't know what comes over me but if it's ever too much just let me know" Perrie says softly, kissing her love "it's ok, I quite like it, but I'm going to be in charge sometime" Jesy states as she tiredly tries to get up but she can barely stand "here love, jump on my back" Perrie says as she turns around so she can give Jesy a piggyback downstairs. Jesy does as she's told, Perrie then makes her way downstairs to get some well deserved breakfast

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