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I am really nervous about this chapter. I hope my explanations of everything make some kind of sense, I tried my best.

Disclaimer: I do not own the MTV show Teen Wolf. This is a fan-made story and nothing more. Please, for the love of god, don't sue me.


"Why the hell didn't anyone tell me that my eyes turn green from time to time?!"

Stiles was standing in the middle of his living room seething, positively seething, and his pack was completely to blame.

Lydia, who was sitting in the chair right beside where he was standing, stared at him with an evil Bond villain look.

"I thought it would be amusing for you to find out this way," Lydia smiled at him in a clearly fake way, "I was right."

Stiles eye twitched in either anger or psychosis, he couldn't really tell you. He turned to face the other three pack members in the room.

Allison, for some strange reason, was still not looking at him directly. This was going to get old really fast.

"I didn't want to say anything until I knew for sure what was going on with you," Allison answered with a shrug, "plus, Lydia threatened me."

Danny had officially put away his laptop knowing that he wouldn't be able to finish fine tuning the surveillance system him and Scott set up at this moment. "I was too freaked out about it at first but then Lydia told me about this whole Alpha thing and then threatened me."

Stiles anger was slowly turning into disbelief. He slowly turned his head in Lydia's direction to see her still staring up at him unblinkingly. This was getting weirder and weirder by the moment.

"You mean you didn't know?" Scott suddenly said. "I thought you knew."

Stiles turned and saw his friend with a hand full of snacks in his hands and looking at him in complete and utter shock.

"What do you mean you thought I knew?" Stiles face crunched up in incredulity. Why was he getting the feeling that he was going to get a very stupid response from his friend?

Scott shrugged sitting next to Allison on the couch. "It's just that your eyes have been flickering green since I became a werewolf. I thought you were wearing a type of mood contacts or something. That time with Boyd and Erica in the parking lot was the only time they stayed green for a while but yeah, it's happened a whole bunch of times."

"A...whole...bunch," Try as he might Stiles wasn't even able to finish saying that sentence, the sheer stupidity of it was killing him.

"You're all insane!" Stiles declared waving his hands around incessantly, "What if I had done my hulk eye change around my dad or something, I would probably be in a lab being tested right now."

Scott rolled his eyes, a habit Stiles forced himself not to think was like his own. "The only times you did it before this whole pack thing started was around me and when I was fighting something or talking about fighting something. It would happen so fast that most of the time I thought I was seeing things."

Now Stiles was starting to get uncomfortable, how could he have possibly not known that he was doing something that was so obvious to everyone else, it was simply inconceivable.

"You started doing it more when we started gathering everyone up for the pack," Scott indiscreetly shot Lydia a look, "I was going to say something when Lydia joined us but-"

"She threatened you," Stiles finished for him tiredly with a sigh. He was starting to get why his father got so many migraines after hearing about the things he did.

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