Growing up and admitting hidden feelings

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Naruto's pov
"Left no right no up no ughh!!!"  "The day I decide to tell her how I feel and I can't even get my hair right, oh come onnnn!!!"  "2:00! Oh man I'm late, Kakashi sensei is going to be upset!" Walking toward the door I passed a mirror and promised the crack in it widened. "Well he's always late himself, I'll just be a little longer.."

At the training grounds
"Where is that yellow idiot." Yamato grumbled.  Kakashi looked up from reading make out paradise. "Maybe he got lost in nature or a good book..?" Yamato rolled his eyes. "We're talking about Naruto not you Kakashi. He may say he was catching up with some friends or getting ramen and forgot about the time, he may still be asleep!! Another hour, then I'm going to see what's up!" Kakashi just sighed going back to his book. "Hey! Kakashi sensei, Yamato sensei!!" Yamato looked up. "Hey Sakura, how's it going?" "I'm good thanks sensei, isn't Naruto supposed to be training with you today?" "Hmm that is about you go see-  "Yes he is Sakura. If you don't mind could you please see what might be talking him so long?" "Sure Kakashi sensei, leave it me!" She smiled running off. "You know it's rude to cut people off Kakashi..." Kakashi looked over to him to see him pouting. "Maybe if you weren't being such a baby..." "Hey!!!"

Sakura's pov
It really is just like that yellow idiot to be late!! But he's never been late to training before unless it was really important. Jumping on a roof top, and saying sorry when I heard them yell, I jump down onto his porch. Knocking on the door, Naruto opened it looking a little nervous and cleaner than usual....and maybe even handsome? "Oh hey Sakura what are you doing here?" "What am I doing here?! What are you doing here?! Don't you know Kakashi and Yamato sensei are waiting for you at the training grounds!!" He started easing his way around me scratching the back of his head. "Yeah Sakura about that- "Save your excuses Naruto then you'll be even more late and I'm not going to get blamed for it!" "Sakura listen! I....well I decided to ask out Hinata." He smiled shyly and continued. "Yeah she's strong, sweet, brave, and all around beautiful. I understand you like Sasuke and I promise I'll get him back for you. Well see ya Sakura, wish me good luck and tell Kakashi and Yamato I'm sorry I couldn't make it." Then he smiled and ran off to go after Hinata, leaving a shocked Sakura.

At Hinata's house
Hinata didn't think she could ever be so annoyed by someone, less by someone in her own family, but she refrained herself from being rude to the male in front of her. "So Naruto is coming here....for what?" "Naruto said he wanted to talk to me about something yesterday Neji, I don't know what about." "Uncle won't approve of someone like him; he's not of our clan. What do you even see in a weak minded monkey like Naruto?" Letting it slip out Hinata spoke her mind. "We aren't getting married Neji! Plus if we were to get married and have children I would be the first Hyuga to not inbreed!" Neji gasped. "Hinata....." They both heard the door bell and turned from there conversation/argument to look at the door. "I'll get it," said Neji. He opened the door. "She'll be out soon." Then he slammed the door in Naruto's face.

Naruto's pov
"What's his problem..?" The door then opened again to show a beautiful Hinata. "You l-look nice Naruto," she stuttered. "Thanks." I smiled. "So a-are we going somewhere Naruto?" "I was wondering if we could take a walk?" "Of course Naruto," she smiled. Before they were to far from ear shot, Neji yelled out the window. "Have her home by sunset!!" "Leave them be Neji!" His younger cousin yelled at him. Naruto laughed and took Hinata's hand. "This way!"

At the training grounds
"He went on a date with Hinata and he's going to ask her out." Even hearing it coming out her mouth she was still shocked. "He what!!" Screamed Yamato. "He kept her waiting long enough, I'm proud of him." Kakashi smiled proudly. Yamato kept rambling about how he was upset with Naruto but happy for him at the same time. "So Sakura do you want some extra training?" "I'm good Sensei, I'm actually going to be with Lady Tsunade. See you tomorrow." "You wang to grab a bite to eat Yamato?" "Sure. How long do you think it'll take for Sakura to get jealous?" He said with a know it all smirk. "We are teachers Yamato, lets act like one." Yamato just kept smirking. ".....I give it a week." "Three days," said Yamato. They both shook hands and said, "Bet!"

After the amazing date
Naruto had his arm around Hinata. "The sunset looks beautiful Naruto." She smiled. "It is but I think your beautiful Hinata.." She started turning red. Naruto looked closely at her and decided it was time to tell. "Hinata...I'm sorry it took me awhile to admit my hidden feelings for you, so I took you on this date in hopes that you'll be my girlfriend." 'Pleeease say yess' "Yes! Oh Naruto, I really like you to but I didn't know if would ever return my hidden feelings, and I was to shy to ask." "Yes!!" He picked Hinata up and swirled her around. "Wait you liked me!!" "Yes everyone knew, but you were too busy to notice my feelings." Naruto read in between the lines. "Yea I can be a little slow at times but now I gotta get you home or Neji will never let me see you again!" He ran with her in his arms to her house.

Outside the Hyuga household
Neji stood outside the house....with the rest of the Hyuga clan. Naruto gently laid Hinata on her feet outside her house gate. Neji ran up to them. "I was worried sick Hinata! He said squeezing her tightly.

Naruto's pov
Wow Neji and Hinata must have gotten a lot closer over the years. "And you!" Neji yelled. "Me!" I questioned. "It's past sunset!!" "Neji calm down, his uncle said. Let's give Hinata and her friend some time to say their goodbyes." They all went back inside including Neji, reluctantly though. "I had a really good time Naruto." She smiled her beautiful smile. "So did I, I can't wait to tell everyone!" I couldn't help but hug her. Once I pulled away I leaned down and slowly kissed her.

Back to normal pov
Hinata was the first to pull away...because she almost fell. "I'm sorry!'s too soon right, I'm really sorry Hinata!" "I-it's o-ok Naruto..really.. But I think I should get some rest now.." She said blushing bright red. "Yeah plus Neji keeps spying on us..." "Neji saw us!?"
Naruto laughed. "See me tomorrow please, because I think as soon as I leave I'll want to be with you again." "I will, goodnight Naruto," she gently smiled and went into her house. "Yes!!" Naruto was so excited about today's events he ran home. He walked in to see lots of junk but he striped off his going out clothes anyway; throwing them with the rest of the trash and put on his pjs; messed his hair up and fell asleep as soon as he touched his bed.

Hinata x Naruto (Love has no binds, and binds don't hold Love)Where stories live. Discover now