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Hinata ran in the direction her Byakugan showed her. I need to hurry back to them with Kakashi and the others!

Kakashis group
Kakashi stood in the middle of an open field with the rest of the group. "Looks like they did the job well, we got them home safely and now we just have to meet them here."

"It's late they should have been here already. Just in case something happened I'll send one of my insect to see where they are." Said Shino.

Naruto spoke up. "Why are you always so negative Shino, have a little faith!"

"Taking precautions isn't a negative thing."

With Hinata
I hear them they must be near. As she kept running their voices got louder and she finally saw Kakashi and the others. Kakashi noticed her first, "Hinata where is everyone else?"

"Kiba and the others have been captured and we have to hurry!"

"Naruto! Shino let's go! Hinata lead the way." They all gathered up and ran towards the others.

While running they came to a stop where two paths were. "Gosh I can't remember which path I took!" She said angrily.

"My insect I sent has found where they are."

"Let's go we don't have anymore time to waste."

Naruto put his hand on Hinatas shoulder and smiled lightly then ran ahead to where Shino and Kakashi were.

"If something does happened to them it will be all my fault.." She thought to herself.

With Kibas team
"Maybe that ass kicking will teach you kids something. Kiba, Sai and Sakura were all tied up under a tree with there weapons in the enemies hand.

"Where's Hinata and the others at? She should have got to them by now.."Said Sakura.

"Hey! Shut up girl or you'll die first."

Kiba whispered. "It's alright Sakura." He showed her the bitten ropes now loose on his arms. I'll untie you and you and then while you hold them off I'll get Sai and we will fight together."

She nodded and response as Kiba bit off her ropes.
"Go get em Sakura!" Yelled Kiba.

"CHA!" Sakura punched a group of them making them all fly backwards.

"Let's go Akumaru!" Called Kiba while Sai drew lions and snakes.

With Kakashi and the others
Kakashi Sensei did you hear that? I think its Sakura. We have to hurry."

Finally arriving they saw that the enemy was already defeated.

"Are y'all alright?" Kakashi asked.

"Yeah everything is fine now Kakashi Sensei." Said Sakura.

"Damn it we missed the fight!" Yelled Naruto

Sai spoke up. "We couldn't have done it without Kiba plan and teamwork. He got Sakura and I free and led us into a successful battle.

Kiba scratched the back of his neck. "Thanks Sai y'all were both great. Sakura even broke the tree punching that guy in the face..haha." he smiled nervously a little afraid of her now.

Kakashi and the others looked towards the giant tree with a hole in it.

Kakashi sweat dropped. "Well that's the type of power you get when Tsunade is your teacher."

"Wow Sakura you've gotten so strong!!" Naruto wrapped his arms around her. "Thats my teammate!"

She blushed. "Thank you Naruto."

"I'm in the mood for some Ramen! Let's get back home!" He shouted.

Kakashi grabbed Naruto's shirt mid walk. "Not so fast. I'd like to congratulate you all on a successful mission. Kiba you have proved to me and your teammates that you are a good captain and I'll keep that in mind when I give the Hokage my report. Also before we go eat anything we have to bring the enemy with us back Konaha for interrogation."

Back at Konoha
"Thank you for the report Kakashi, did they have any useful information?"
"No ma'am."
Tsunadae looked out the window. "How's Naruto doing with his training?"
"Naruto is doing fine but he did skip an important lesson a couple days ago..." She turned her head a little looking at Kakashi. "Yes I heard that him and Hinata are dating I don't want his focus to shift, be sure you get his full attention when training."
"Yes ma'am."

Hinata x Naruto (Love has no binds, and binds don't hold Love)Where stories live. Discover now