Wait...I love you!

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At Ichiraku
Laughter was heard from the group of teens and bowls were piled up on the counter. Kiba and Naruto are having a eating contest while the others watched and cheered. "More!" They both shouted.
5 minutes later they were both full to the brink.
"I think...we over ate just a little..." Said Naruto.
"I...can barely breath...I'm so full." Said Kiba.
"Thad what you get for eating so much your such a kid Naruto!"
"Sakura can't relax a little I'm a ninja after all I can-!"
He sneezed in Sakura direction and ramen came out his nose and mouth. He immediately started apologizing but it too late Sakura was already punching him in the head.
While they were fighting Kiba noticed Hinata had been quieter than usual.
"Hey Hinata you alright? You've been quiet since we got back to the leaf."
"I-I'm fine..I-it's just today I wasn't much help to you. I should have got there faster." She looked down hiding her disappointment.
"Ahh it's ok Hinata, your an amazing ninja today just wasn't your day. Don't let today get you down."
She smiled. "Thanks Kiba your right, it's getting late I should be home. Goodnight I'll see you tomorrow."
She got up after saying her goodnight to Sakura and Naruto but they were too busy arguing to hear her so she started walking home.

"Sakura I'm sorry already stop hurting me PLEASE!"
"I hope you learned your lesson." She looked around and noticed it was late and Hinata was missing.
"Hey idiot! Hinata left a couple minutes ago, if you hurry you can catch up to her." Said Kiba still trying to digest.
"Dammit I forgot all about her! Jeez I'm already a terrible boyfriend!" He jumped up off the floor and ran in the direction of her house. "I'll see y'all tomorrow!"

Kiba got up next, "Jeez it's dark out. You want me to walk you home Sakura?"
She stood looking in the direction Naruto went.
"Helloo? Sakura you there?"
"O-oh um no I'll be fine, I have to make a few stops anyways."
"Alright then goodnight." He started walking in the direction of his house.
"W-wait! I'll come with you since our houses are the same direction and all heheh.."
"Suit yourself."
With Naruto and Hinata
"Hinata wait! When did you walk start walking so fast!?" He said out of breath.
"N-Naruto you didn't have to run all the way over here just to say goodnight."
"Not just goodnight, I came over here to say I love you Hinata, and I have for a long time, I want us to be together for a long time and I'm sorry if you felt I wasn't paying attention to you...I'm an idiot."
Naruto looked down ashamed but then felt Hinata hug him.
"Your a great boyfriend Naruto, I have to go now." She smiled and then started walking in the gate to her house.
"Wait! Hinata I love you!"
"I-I love y-you too Naruto, g-goodnight." She was blushing super hard. She could barely walk but she forced her legs to move to escape Narutos presence.
After she got inside safely, he released the breath he was holding in since she hugged him. Crossing his arms behind his neck he said, "Today was a good day."

Hinata x Naruto (Love has no binds, and binds don't hold Love)Where stories live. Discover now