Chapter 1

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You could hear it all. All the noises that deafened you. All the things that made you want to hide in the corner and cry. It never stopped and nobody knew when it was going to stop. 

"Быстро! Быстро! Занесите его сюда!!"(Hurry! Hurry! Bring him here!!) the voices of panicking nurses were heard from the outside. None of the surprised me anymore. Everyday tons of soldiers were getting killed and wounded on the battle field. World War 2 was an ongoing nightmare. 

"Василиса, возьми полотенце и протри его рану,"(Vasilisa, take the towel and wipe his wound) was everything I heard before I got up and went to get the towel. While I was getting everything I needed, nurses brought in the wounded soldier. He was very tall and muscular, which is usually how soldiers looked, but he had this one thing that completely mesmerized me - his eyes. They were the most beautiful shade of violet I have ever seen. 

"Помогите мне, пожалуйста. Я генерал армии,"(Help me, please. I am the army general) he said, which almost came out as a whisper because of the wound on his chest. Gingerly I made my way over to where he was laying and put the towel that I was holding on his bleeding wound. He flinched from the pain, but didn't say anything. Whispers from different nurses were heard from behind me, after all this was an army general that was hurt."Как его звать?"(What is his name?) "Иван Брагинский"(Ivan Braginsky). 

After cleaning up his wound and putting bandages on it, it looked like his condition stabilized. I was cleaning up around the operation table that he was laying on when something, or should I say someone, grabbed my wrist. I turned around and saw those amazing violet eyes looking at me. 

"Подожди,"(Wait) he whispered and tried to take something out of his pocket. "Спасибо тебе за твою помощь,"(Thank you for your help) was everything he said before he handed me the tiniest sunflower I've ever seen. "Спасибо,"(Thank you) I whispered and smiled. I never knew that the serious and scary Army Generals I saw walking outside could carry such tiny and gentle things in their pockets.

"Как тебя зовут?"(What is your name?) he asked me. "Василиса,"(Vasilisa) I replied and he smiled. There was this weird feeling I was getting from looking at him and being near him, but it could've been the smoke that I breathed in from the bombs exploding nearby. "Василиса, я надеюсь мы ещё увидимся,"(Vasilisa, I hope we'll meet again) he whispered and then closed his eyes to rest. 

I wanted to ask him so many questions about his life and his family but not letting a wounded person rest is not the best idea in the world. I was still holding the little sunflower he gave me and I decided to put it in the pocket of my coat. This sunflower reminded me of my happy life before this war started and, of course, it will always remind me of Ivan. 

This will sound very cliche, quite frankly there is no other way to put it, but that ladies and gentleman how I met Ivan Braginsky. 


Alright, alright hello everyone. So I want to just say that this is my first writing a story like this and I'll try to make it interesting. Also, sorry for the short first chapter but it was mostly an introduction to the story so I wasn't gonna make it long anyway. But anyhow, enjoy this story:) 

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