Chapter 2

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The scariest part about the war was the night time. Most people were sleeping during the night time, even though some soldiers still fought on the battlefield, and nobody knew when the enemy would strike again. I always wondered, If I go to sleep tonight, will I wake up the next morning

During the day, today, we had to help out a lot of injured soldiers. Even though I had a lot of work to do today and I got tired, I still couldn't fall asleep. Getting up from my designated bed I made my way outside to get some fresh air. 

The air outside was fresh and crisp. Somewhere in the distance I could still hear the explosions of the bombs and the firing of the guns. Some would think that as a nurse in the war I would get used to those noises, but they still terrified me. 

"Привет,"(Hi) I heard someone whisper and then I saw Ivan walking up to the porch.

"Привет. Ты меня напугал,"(Hi. You scared me) I said with a small chuckle. Ivan walked over to the step that I was sitting on and sat down next to me. 

"Почему ты не спишь?"(Why are you not sleeping?) he asked me while looking straight ahead at the night sky. 

"Не знаю, не спится,"(I don't know, can't sleep) I reply to his question with a shrug. 

I wish I could stay in this moment forever. It was so peaceful, yet when the sun will rise again everything will become everyone's nightmare once again. 

Ivan turned his head and looked at me. "Как твоя семья?"(How's your family?) Once those words left his mouth I felt a sharp pain in my chest. I hated talking about my family, mostly because all of them were dead. That's why I ended up going into nursing, so someone's relative would come home after the war. 

Thinking about my family made me sad and I didn't realize I was crying until Ivan reached over and wiped away my tears with his thumb. "Не плачь,"(Don't cry) he murmured and looking up I saw his eyes sparkle like two shining stars. 

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 03, 2016 ⏰

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