Rules And Form

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Welcome to our role-play! Warrior here again, to give you the rules and our little form!

This first part is a necessary evil. All roleplays need rules or we'll end up with mating and all sorts of things that, yes, are perfectly natural, but are not fit for people under 16, at the LEAST (in my mind, at least. I don't think the other admins disagree).

Let's get into it, then.

1. DO NOT, and I mean DO NOT EVER swear/mate/anything else you don't want a 4-year-old seeing. We need to assume, no matter the role-play skills of anyone, that they are an INNOCENT CHILD. Because, say, what if you post something absolutely disgusting and another player's little sibling walks in and reads it. 

2. Don't ask for staff or to join our account. There is an entirely different book for that, one titled 'Admins'. You aren't unwelcome, this is just the wrong place to ask.

3. If you are denied a high rank, the WORST thing you can do is throw a fit. We might grant you said rank later, or, as in a role-play I was once in, you can go from Subordinate to Beta to Alpha! (Or Warrior to Deputy to Leader, as what happened to me XD)

4. There is a complicated pack structure. If a male alpha wolf doesn't choose you to be his mate, suck it up! The world isn't going to implode because you were denied a high rank and a high ranking mate!

5. Wolfdogs will be uncommon, as the wolves' code is very strict. Dogs' code is much more loose and lenient, so I would recumbent joining that pack as a starter. If a wolf is caught breaking code, they will be demoted. Depending on how badly they broke it, or how important the rule is, they will be demoted farther and farther. If an Omega breaks a major rule, they will be exiled.

6. The most important rule (to me at least) this role-play will be LGBT+ ACCEPTING! If I, (ForgottenWarrior) catch ANYONE being rude or cruel to another role-player outside of the role-play, I will KICK YOU OUT. Why, do you ask, do I care so much about this? My second-best friend is bisexual and was bullied for 4 years. DO NOT TEST ME, I AM SERIOUS.

And now that that's over, THE FORM!


Age*: Yearlings are 1. A teenage wolf would be around 2-4, early teens to later ones. A young adult would be around 5 or 6.

Gender*: Are they male? Female? Or do they prefer the they/them pronouns?

Ranking*: Alpha (2 per pack), Beta (2 per pack), Subordinate (unlimited), Pup (20 at the most per pack)

Appearance*: Eye color, fur color, markings, ect. We need to know it all. Try to keep it semi-realistic (no neon green stripes, ect.) Links are acceptable, as long as they are clear and are actually a reference of your wolf.


Optimal Partner: Your mate or crush.

Pack: Dog or Wolf. There might be a third pack added eventually... SHH! You didn't hear it from me! Loners are also included, but they will be very uncommon and will be driven out of the territories if they refuse more than 5 offers to join.

Family: Please try to include at least one member, even if they aren't a character in the role-play. For an example, look down.

Example Character:

Name: Example

Age: 6 years of age

Gender: Male

Ranking: Subordinate

Appearance: A black canine with a white belly. Dusty golden eyes.

Backstory: Example lived happily with his mother and father, named (Uhh..) Mother and Father. He had two sisters, Sister1 and Sister2. He met his mate, (Generic wolf name... uh,) Raven! When he was four years old. They now have four pups, two males and two females.

Optimal Partner: His mate, Raven. <3

Pack: Dog. He is an Alaskan Malamute/Greyhound cross.

Family: Mother (Mother), Father (Father), Sister1 (Sister), Sister2 (Sister), Raven (Mate), Daughter1 (Daughter) Daughter2 (Daughter) Son1 (Son) Son2 (Son)

There you go! By the way, the requirements with an asterisk (*) behind them are the MINIMAL amount you need to fill out to be accepted. If, for example, you don't include your wolf's coloration, we will politely ask you to re-check the form.

Welcome to this role-play, and I hope you enjoy your stay!

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