What is life?

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Daniel Sharman is in it but he doesn't have like a main main role he just helps the plot a little (his character hasn't got a name yet if you want to name him for me!)

Saphira's POV

What is life?

My past life is just pure, traumatising terror easily covered by a pretty image. My life beforehand was of child like wonderment with some underling poverty. Now my life is just an obis of black, pain and wondering if those I hold dear to me are still alive.

Finnick could be dead. He could of not made it to the ship or he could of gotten onto one of the president's other ships.

My life would be officially over if anyone of my friends died. If Johanna died the ache in my heart would amount to too much. If Haymitch died I would lose my only living father figure, that would indefinitely amount to a lot of crying. If Peeta died I would mourn my life away, sadly crying tears that haven't been shed in a long time. Hell, even if Katniss died I would miss her so much until all I can think about is what I could of done differently to save her.

Throughout all of my thinking I didn't even notice how my eyes snapped open with a shock that wasn't of the mental kind. Some ignoramus is shocking me! How dare he, urgh I hate being tortured it's in like my top five least favourite things.

"Can you please stop? Can't you tell I'm going through a deep inner monologue that no one shall ever hear!" The man who was shocking me actually looked truely surprised like he was unsure of how he should proceed... well maybe he just shouldn't proceed.

He turns around looking at who I believe to be his boss, I find it interesting that he feels the need for guidance and acceptance. He seems to be the kind who doesn't want to do wrong by his superiors and will do anything to please them... that's always good to know.

My thoughts are cut off by the horrible jolt my body goes through as it's shocked once again. He mutters under his breath about how what he's doing is right, how he has zero choice and how he needs trust to gain his way... he's really bad at this. It's like he just wants me to corrupt him.

That could be another part of the equation, they want me to get attached to the man, they break my trust, I feel as though I can never trust someone ever again and I don't ever love Finn again. Okay so that made up my mind. I'm just going to ignore the dude.

Once the boy's torture finished I was left in peace once again. I notice the apologetic expression plastered onto his face that dissipated into a cold stare in seconds.

I fall back into unconsciousness, I've got no idea how long it's been since I've seen the others or how long it's been since I became unconscious but what I do know is that I need to figure out an elaborate escape plan that would be effective immediately... Something isn't right...

I feel like I've been here for a long time but my time concept has completely flown out of the window. I noticed that the people who torture my come at periodic times I believe it's every hour which means I've only been here for twenty one hours so far.

I spend my free time in between the torture taking notice off the cell I'm enclosed in, I firstly notice the smell of dirty concrete that you know no matter how much you scrub will always keep that smell. The next scent I smell is more metallic and I immediately know as blood. I wonder who's blood it could be... maybe it's mine, or my neighbour who's in the cell next door or maybe even the person who lived in this cell before me...

The only other odour around is the weird smell of burning skin still stuck to me from the multiple visits I've had with a tazar today... I decide to move on from the smells in the room noticing how disturbing it was getting.

Next I take notice of the sounds surrounding my cell, first I hear the thunderous, clomping of shoed feet probably the peacekeepers guarding our cells keeping us caged into our cells like pigs at a slaughter. Another sound I hear is the sound of bloodcurdling screams piercing the air with every pain filled screech. It gives me shivers wondering how anyone could do this too someone, how anyone could find sickening pleasure from the tears and pain these people show. It proves just how saddistic this world can be... attacking each other for where they live and the faults of our ancestors. People who we never knew give us their punishments because others enforce them to.

I need to pull out of my mind because otherwise I know I'll make decisions I'll regret. I decide to go back to thinking about what I can sense. I think about the sense of touch next, the cold, hard cement under my body, seeming to barely touch my fingertips no matter how hard I press my self down onto the floor. It's so dirty these floors, dust in even the smallest little crevice I see. The feel of a slight coverage of dust appears over my hand as I place it gently on the floor creating a weird sensation. I feel my clothes realising with a tiny jump I've been changed.

The actual sight around me in completely bland and boring... a boring four, concrete walls that are just different shades of grey blended together. Nothing stands out besides the random stains of blood and most likely other substances littered around the area I'm enclosed in.

The sense I focused on last was probably the worst, taste. All I could taste is a metallically taste that no matter how many times I encounter it I will never grow use to.

I'm brought out of my brooding by the shouts of 'no' becoming increasingly louder. I swear I've heard this voice before... the door is slammed open and I come face to face with someone I believed I would never encounter again...




Do you like how the story is heading? Saphira will most likely change in the next few chapters but she'll hopefully keep her main traits! Are you guys happy I added Stanley? I missed him so much...

Who's your favourite character? Mines definitely Stan da Man... and is this story all you were hoping for so far please tell me!!! Ily guys


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