Am I really that oblivious?

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Merry Christmas 🔺🔺🔺🔺
3rd Person

Finnick sat in the blank, colourless room thinking about Saphira. The love of his life was somewhere in the manipulative, overcrowded Capitol whilst he was just staring at a wall whilst's his mental health deteriorated.

Continuously tying knots reminiscing over the past which seems like a millennium away. He sat up on his uncomfortable, sheet less bed looking at who surrounded him.

He didn't deserve to be here. Surrounded by those who have real problems. Those with mental illnesses that are trying to get better, those who have been fighting for him who have been injured and all he did was breakdown without one girl.

Breaking was one of his biggest fears. Something everyone should be afraid of, but most people don't ever realise how bad it could be to break down and not be able to get up again.

What the man who seemed more like a lost boy at this time didn't realise is that he had dealt with the biggest loses he could ever face. What the Capitol has done can never be reversed, it's shaped him into the fake, depressed boy that is being shown now but he wouldn't want it any differently.

If it hadn't of been him it would of been someone else. Someone he knew, a complete stranger even maybe a family member. Finnick Odair would prefer to have his life repeat with everything he's gone through over and over rather then let some innocent person go through it. Well unless we are talking about someone from the Capitol because then he would probably retract that statement...

He grabbed his pillow that he had been perched on and hugged it tightly to his chest, sobbing into the soft, fluffy fabric muffling his cries. Questions circling around his brain, 'what did I do to deserve this?' 'Why couldn't I just have been left alone?' 'When did my life become to this?' But sadly none of his questions were answered.

"Mr Odair, we want to talk to you." Finnick glanced at the concerned psychiatrist nodding following behind the well groomed man with his eyes never moving from the floor.

Saphira's POV

What? No this couldn't happen. They might hurt the child. They wouldn't ever just stop the torture. I'll lose them. Finnick won't ever see his first child. How far along are they? Is Snow going to steal them? Will I even be able to name them? Am I ready for this?

Clearing my mind I ask the first question I thought of, "how far along are they?"

(An: There is no real timeline and I'm not really going by the script at the moment so I had to sort of make it so it follows the story I want and stuff so it's not accurate)

"It seems to be in its second trimester, how haven't you realised you were pregnant? I believe that you're around six months pregnant yet you don't seem to show much... we definitely need to feed you more it seems and any torturing will need to be mental, do you think that sounds good?"

I thought he was asking me so I look up to see him looking at the guard who's nodding.

"I'll let Snow know." The unemotional, drawl of his voice makes me extremely uncomfortable. He gives me a malicious grin gripping my arm roughly dragging me out of the clean room.

I let my mind wander to what Finn could be doing, knowing him he's probably fighting and getting ready for the rebellion. I wonder if he'll ever even learn he is a father. I miss him so much.

I wonder how I never thought I could be pregnant, I thought I was just gaining weight as I got older and the more Capitol food I ate the more that wasn't getting lost easily enough.

It explains the mood swings and the stomach ache that kept coming and going. Okay so maybe I'm not as smart as I thought I was...

With my free hand I rub my stomach lightly actually noticing the small bump that was there. A single tear slips out of my eye not knowing what will happen to my child...

I'm brought out of my self pity by the loud sound of the heavy, metal cell door opening and I was pushed roughly down to the ground.

"Whoops." He grinned at my in victory I so badly want to punch his ugly, smug face but that's probably isn't very wise.

"So...hi." I look at Stanley who's not moving his eyes from my face, he looks really uncomfortable but happy? I don't know but I might as well get to know him properly.

"Um... Hello, do you want to start over because we are probably going to have to be friends... my name's Saphira Emerald. What's yours?"

He grins at me holding out his perfectly manicured hand, "Stanley Toyfoot."

I giggle at his last name whilst he glares at me for it. "Sorry it's just I've never met anyone with a name that, um... exotic." He looks at me unimpressed.

"Your name is literally two gems." Wow... he just needed to bring that up.

"Anyway... what are you interests?" I ask slightly interested because I barely ever talk to any Capitol people.

"Chicken." That's all he stats, I wait a few seconds for him too continue but apparently there is nothing else, "okay then..."

"What did the hot guard want with you?" I look at him confused... wasn't he straight? Eh who cares.

"I'm um sort of pregnant..." Stanley does a double take that looks like it sort of hurts... I wonder if he practices it...

He starts making incomprehensible sounds that are impossible to understand. I think I heard, 'dammit not again' and 'I should have gone for the guard'

I'm so confused... I break him out of his mumbling by telling him I'm going to bed.

My last thought was about my future... more importantly if I was going to have one.

Probably not.


So... I updated!

And Stanley is bisexual! Or Pansexual I haven't decided yet... but yeah... what do you think about him?? What do you think he looks like? Sorry he's not very funny in this book everything is so dark so far and my jokes have gotten way worse...

What do you think of the 3rd person? What was your favourite part of the chapter? Do you like the story? What do you think about Finnick's part? What do you want to happen next chapter??

And I'm sorry about how unrealistic parts of this chapter are but it's for the plot so yeah😹...

I love all of you!!!!


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 10, 2017 ⏰

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