I will not return to back

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"When I return back, images coming to me from the past.

Shades of the memories have become tales come and go.

Seeing with other eyes, Colors have changed,

Telling to me, teaching me.

What has been, it was.

Oh time, I will draw you into oblivion.

Flowers orchard, When it comes to bloom prematurely.

Oh time, I will draw tears and sadness,

In the book without a title.

I will not return to back.

I will not have meeting with him.

I will not return to back."
Hello guys, this is lyrics from a song that I really love. Its a anime film that  I love as well. It  called " إيروكا" I have seen it in Arabic,  I don't what it called in English. But you can see it from pic above.
The song called in Arabic
"إيروكا لن أعود للوراء"ّ
If anyone like  listen. I hope you like, because I really l love it. Thanks ^_^

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