The first thing

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The beauties thing of all thing is the first thing. (الجمل شيء بكل شيء هو الول شيء )

- The first time we kiss
- The first time we huge
- The first we hear the word "I love you"
- And the first time we discovered everything in the first time.
- Everything have the most beautiful taste in the first time in the life.
- First time we are madly in love
- Or the first we get a best friend.
- Everything is beautiful the first time so try to live your life every day like it the first time.
- In that way we can live in this world happier and enjoying everything in the first time.
Thank you everyone who read what I wrote. 😍😍😍😊😊
I wrote those words because of someone was talking about the first time, so he said " the beauties thing of all the things is the first thing ". And he is right because everything is beautiful at the first time. So I hope that everyone is enjoying theirs life as it's the first time.
Bye for now, SEE YOU LATE 😍🤤🤗

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