Haley's revenge

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I was the only person who could see them.......I was the only person who could hear them.........I never knew they would minipulate me into killing someone I knew and loved this world is cruel...........but I know now what I must do. My name is Haley santos and ever since I was a little girl I was able to see and hear things I never even knew existed I saw him once when I was only 6 him...the slenderman I was scared out of my mind I didn't even know what to do he told me to not fear him he also told me to follow him. i followed him all the way into the woods I actually thought he was my friend I actually thought I can trust him..........I was wrong. He told me that my parents were murdered by a girl named Sammy I was pissed so pissed I decided to go and stab her with a knife. H-Haley Sammy stammered . I pinned her down and stabbed her 29 times in the chest she was screaming painfully and then silenced. slenderman was behind me laughing Haley Haley Haley he said
What's so funny I asked
Haley do you know what you just done you murdered a innocent girl she didn't kill your parents I did and I know you enjoyed killing her
Y-you you scumbag I tried to stab him but I failed after that he just disappeared I sobbed on the floor s-someday I promise I will take revenge

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 29, 2016 ⏰

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