Chapter 7 - Eris

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"You have to be able to move with the speed of light and be fast enough to get a punch in, moving out of the way of a possible attack that follows a punch." Jordan says rounding me, his fists are gloved and his right hand is graced with a pad.

"Okay Jordan, just let me spare you," I say impatiently rounding him quickly stamping my feet with impatiently.

"You need to hear what I have to say before we spare-" Jordan states before I cut him off with a quick kick to the side earning me a hard glare before he released a huff and raised his fist and pad.

"Fine," He says with a huff and already moves in for the attack, dodging to the left, I use a sweeper kick and clean him out onto the floor, moving away I raise my taped hands in an attempt to block my face from the gloved hand of Jordan.

"You need to keep your attention on your opponent.....and their limbs," Jordan says before quickly jerking his arm towards me in a back hand movement with a sweep of his feet, I land flat on my back, his movements fast as he positions himself above me, fist at the ready as he sits down on my stomach a smirk plastered across his face.

Standing again he raised his padded hand and watched as I regained my footing, standing I narrowed my eyes at him and he gave me his signature smirk, gesturing for me to attack him.

Stepping forward, a single step at a time, I manage to land a punch straight to his jaw whilst spinning and landing a kick to his rib. Stepping backwards I pace in a circle around him and see him narrow his eyes.

"Never stop attacking unless, they tap, or he's dead," Jordan says, his voice holding a hidden darkness, I didn't question it.

Nodding, I continue to pace around him for an opportunity, when it came to me. Watching Jordan advance towards me, he moved his right arm down as swung his leg, his shin aimed for my ribs, stepping in, I place my right arm down to block his leg, hitting his thigh, the close proximity allowing for a clean set of jabs to the rib cage.

Allowing my hands to move quickly I land 4 clean and swift jabs to his rib cage before Jordan lands a swift back swing to my face smashing me quickly off of my feet and onto the floor. "For christ's sake," I let out in outrage, angry at my own ignorance.

"You get absorbed in the effect that you have, and you basically close your eyes, you need to be completely aware of your opponent, the entire time," He lectured, circling me as I continue to lay on my back, my arm draped across my face.

"Come on Miles, you have a fight tournament tomorrow, you need to get your head in the game, fight like you want it," He continues, I don't know how I've lasted this long with his obsessive rants.

Laying flat on my back, I spring up against my hands landing quickly on my feet, and raising my fists in front of my face.

"Then spare me properly, no remorse, and a fair fight, you know that I don't fight properly if it's not real, so come on, make it real." I say, it was kinda true, but I spare much better with speed.

"Fine, but then back to training," He mutters, knocking his pad to the ground and kicking it off the mat.

"You ready?" He asks, his hands already guarding his face, "When you are old man," I tease, and we begin our intimidating circle, staying in front of each other at the same time.

Stepping forward steadily and carefully, I watch as he changes his footing, placing his left foot to the front, which means he was steadying himself for a kick. Moving forward quickly, arm already in a block for his kick that came, bouncing from my arm and falling to the ground quickly already moving.

The Nerd Can FightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora