Chapter 10 - Household Slaves and Nannies

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"Hey, Dan you think you could drive a little bit slower?" I ask with a flinch and a gasp as I am jarred in my seat yet again as Danny hits another pot hole in the road.

"The longer we are in the car the more there is a possibility that we could get in a car accident, and if I damage Dad's car, he would literally kill me, and I won't survive that."

"Well if you don't slow down I'm not going to make it home," I mutter, grasping at my side as the ice pack slides from it' bandage causing a silky stream of water to run down my side after the ice pack leaving goose bumps in its path.

"I swear, I'm going to beat who ever broke my car, to a bloody pulp," Danny spits, weaving across the road again.

"Looks like someone already beat you to that," I mutter and Danny quickly gives me a few sideward glances.

"What do you mean by that?" Danny asks, suspicion on the edge of her voice, "It's means, not only did I break your face," I say through gritted teeth, wincing at the pain that only seemed to grow over the period of the car trip.

"You?" Danny asks, pulling across the road and parking in my driveway, turning in her seat to look at me, her eyes held a series of hurt looks, but her face held amusement.

"Yeah, pulled the starter plug," I say with a laugh and she just scowls at me, before getting out and popping the boot, pulling out a wheel chair.

The last 3 days in hospital have been a bore, I was left to sit in my hospital bed, and expected not to move, like come on. I had to call a nurse to put me in a wheel chair to roll me over the toilet to go to the bathroom. I felt, like an old disabled woman.

Matt and Danny were there most of the time, Danny slept the nights in the pull out bed at the side of my private hospital room, curtsey of Mrs and Mr Murphy, Matt brought me school work for the days I missed, not forgetting the catch up work for the day that I was unconscious.

That was the hardest thing to grasp, like yeah, I may have a 4 broken ribs, that made sense, a fractured cheekbone, yeah probably from that punch, and the eye socket, ah huh. It all made sense, but what didn't make sense was the part where my hour in the land of nothingness, or everything, my silence, was actually a day, a solid 24 hours, even longer than that.

The crack of the door wakes me up from my thoughts as Danny pushes the wheel chair right up to the door, it took two men to get me in the car, and now I have Danny, I not complaining, but come on.

"The mighty Kimber Miles, in a wheel chair, my god," I hear someone say from outside the car, attempting to turn my head to the side, I put too much rotation into my ribs, causing me to let out a small yelp and face the front again.

"It's alright, I'm coming." I hear him say, watching from my peripheral vision, I watch the wheel chair move away and Matt come into view.

"Matt," I whisper with a smile, "I know, I know, your hero," Matt jokes, sliding his arms around my back and under my legs, lifting me from my chair and carrying me out of the car slowly.

"Watch your head," He whispers, before walking to the wheel chair that Danny was currently holding.

"I'll take her in, you grab the bags?" Danny suggests and Matt nods moving to the back of the car as Danny wheels me around and up the front path to my house.

"You're like a married couple," I laugh and she just lets out an exhausted smile out before she reaches ahead of me and slips in the keys, turning the handle.

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