When a Siren wants cuddles, they get cuddles

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               In Greek Mythology the Sirens were creatures who lived on a remote island surrounded by rocky cliffs. The Sirens lured passing sailors by their singing , which would enchant any sailor listening to the point that he would lose all will-power, and crash his ship upon the Sirens' rocky shore and cliffs, killing all the men aboard.

You know, being home alone with a being that can change what species it is is kinda alarming, I mean, they can turn into anything, Shawn is taking advantage of what he is to get what he wants.....no nothing sexual, innocent things, which honestly surprises me. 

He turns into his wolf form when he gets bored and uses the Puppy Eyes in a literal form to get what ever he wants at that moment, turns into a vampire just for the super strength and speed, strength for trying to "impress" me...i think he just wants to show off, and the speed to get me to school if i'm late or to go to the store when we run out of junk food. He turns into a Merman just for underwater kisses and to scare me when i want to sit on a float thing and relax at the pool....i do quite like the under water kisses though, and his tail is a very beautiful shade of blue. 

Right now he wants cuddles, one problem....

I have homework that i really need to finish, it's algebra and a history report, I really hate Math but i need to do it anyways. 


"Shawn i'm busy"

"But you don't even like math."

"Still have to do it anyways, we can hang out later i promise."


He grumbles as he walks away from me. About 15 minutes later i had just started typing my History report on Greek Mythology (using it as a break from math) I have to write a 1 and a half page report on a specific creature, i chose a Siren because i kinda wanted to show what i already know on the topic.I hear foot steps behind me and instantly know its Shawn.

"Shaaaaayyy...its later now" he says with his arms around my waist and face nuzzled into my neck.

"i'm doing a report right now, i'll probably be done in an hour." 

"why cant you be done now." he whines " I wanna spend time with you."

"Because it's due tomorrow ad i would like to finish as soon as i can."

"Whats your report even about?" He looks at my screen, suddenly his eyes fill with mischief."Sirens can use their voice for what?"

"Well, they can use their voice to basically hypnotize you." i reply, one look on his smug mischief covered  face  fills me with worry.

He wouldn't....

  "I won't lie to you "

He is..

"I know he's just not right for you "

he guides me from my chair by my hand walking me across my living room towards the stairs. 

  "And you can tell me if I'm off
But I see it on your face
When you say that he's the one that you want"

I feel like a zombie, i have no control an have no idea on what i'm doing. Still holding my hand Shawn guides me through the hallway towards the door of my room, when he opens it he gives me a quick kiss on the forehead, he stopped singing for a second so i tried to speak still in a daze. 

"Shawn wha-"

"And you're spending all your time
In this wrong situation
And anytime you want it to stop  "

He takes me to my bed and lies me down, barley a second later he joins me and nuzzles his face into my neck and wraps his arms tightly around me from behind. 

"This is nice...don't you think?"

"you did all that just for cuddles Shawn?" i ask finally able to speak. "Really?"

"shhhhh...sleep now Shay, its Sleepy time."

"It's what? Shawn i need to fin-"

"I know I can treat you better than he can
And any girl like you deserves a gentleman "

Dammit Shawn...you couldn't wait an hour?screw it i'm tired anyway's. 





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