interviews bc i can

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leo: hello hello helllo i'm leo howard and i'm on the show with one of my close friends. she made my crappy bio, zendaya marie coleman!!

daya: wait, you think it's crappy.

leo: -shakes my head- naww, not your best work but ya.

daya: leo you take that back or i'm going to murder you.

leo: you wouldn't do this on my show.

daya: -laughs- i watch scandal, i watch ravenswood, and even twisted. don't try me howard.

leo: anyways after daya rudely interrupting me. let's start. daya what's your favorite food?

daya: pizza and salad

leo: your such a herbivore.

daya: -facepalms- you idiot. an herbivore is an species of a vegan dinosaur. so stupid.

leo: eh. -shrugs- what is something you'd like to tbh about?

daya: tbh if these anons don't stop with 100 ppl on one account i will die. like make seperate accounts, wtf why have so many people on there?

leo: ikr like what the living hell?

daya: -nods- now i was told i have to give you a tbh. or whatever. what do you miss most?

leo: i just miss when there was less drama. anons these days it's like.

"-bitch slaps you- stay away from my boyfriend"

"-grabs you by the collar- touch my girl again? ill kill you"

daya: -nods- okay that's it?

leo: yep, anyways that's it with leo's tbh show. bye.

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