chapter 2

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The prince has arrive safely in Japan. He is now riding in a taxi to his grandparents house in Tokyo. As he arrive he was warmly welcomed by his grandmother, with his twin cousins and his aunt Mei , a single parent of the twins. Her husband died because of cancer 3 yrs. ago when the twins were only 2 yrs. old.

"Welcome home, Sei. How was flight? How is Shiori, your mother and Masaomi?" His grandmother asked as he pays the driver and took his bag from the back.

"They are fine... and my flight is the same as always. " he smile gently to his grandmother. "by the way grandmother. Can I rest for now? I can't Wait to walked around Tokyo tomorrow." He added. His grandmother nod and lead him to his room.

"I am sure you are going to watch the festival this week that's why you went here at this week." His aunt said while chuckling. "I know you love the festival here since you were young."

"you got me Aunt Mei." He chuckles. "also I wanted to ask you grandmother. Where is grandfather?"

"he is in Kyoto. You know he doesn't want to leave his work so he stayed in Kyoto. I will be also returning to Kyoto so your grandfather won't be lonely."

'' I see. Grandfather is really a hard working man."

His grandmother smile and path his head. "I am sure you will know why your father and grandfather work so hard Someday. even though we already have so much wealth. Because of love you have to do everything and even sacrifice something.'' After that she went down stairs.

"love Huh...." He said to himself.

His aunt Mei smiled watching her nephew. "Sei-chan, dinner will be at 9. Okay."

"yes. Thanks auntie."

Akashi went to his room and puts his bag down and takes his clothes out then folds it neatly in his drawer. After that he went to his bed and lays down. He close his eyes and was about to take a nap when he heard the door slowly open. He just pretend he was asleep. Oh.. He knows who are the intruders that went in his room. Then he heard small whispers, giggles and footsteps coming closer.

"do you think we'll surprise him?" whisper by a child. "YES! Sei-nii is asleep after all." Whisper by another child but the voice is a girl this time. "then... on a count of 3 we'll jump on him. "

Akashi heard it clearly. So his other hand grip the blanket next to him while preparing himself.

"okay. 1........2 ....... Thr---AAHHH!' both children was about to jump on him, but stopped when Akashi lift the blanket and cover the two children then pulls them to his chest.

"Mayura! Mike! What are you doing disturbing my rest?" the small boy and girl stop struggling under the blanket in his arms.

"WAAAAH!!! Sei-nii is awake after all!" Mike pouts. "we just missed playing with you Sei-nii. That's all." Mayura said.

Akashi smiles and pull the blanket off from the twins. "I see... but you see... I just arrive from a long and far trip. So... can I rest and we'll play tomorrow."

"hai!!" They both said in joy. They could play with there cousin tomorrow.

"oh, my... did they disturb you, Sei?"

Akashi looks at the door and look at his aunty who was standing outside and looking at them. Akashi just smiled and let go of the children. Then the twins run to their mother. "MAMA!" they both hug her.

"I was wondering where they went and I figured they'll be here. Now Mayura. Mike. Say sorry to your Sei-nii."

The two kids turn to him and in a cute way they apologize. "We're Sorry, Sei-nii."

Akashi just nod and smile. "it's okay."

"now let's Go down stairs and watch T.V, okay?" his aunt told the children. Then she close the door behind her and went down stair with the children. While Akashi sigh and lays on the bed again.

"Those two are still troublesome. Well you can expect that to those 5 yrs. old children." He chuckles then take a nap at last. At 9pm he did went down stairs to eat dinner with his family. He went to bed at 10:30, but before that he set his alarm to wake up at work 6am to jug tomorrow. Well it was his daily routine.

5:55 AM.

Seijuro Akashi woke up before 6 , he smirks that he wake up before his alarm did. Well he always wakes up before his alarm. After that he went to his bathroom in his room and took a hot bath. Well every morning in Japan is really cold. Then after bathing he wears his jacket and pants with shoes. Then he went outside of the house and start to jug.

At The park,. Akashi stops and sits on at the bench and wipes his sweat of his face then relax for a bit. While relaxing he heard shouting and he turn his head and saw a guy running while holding a wallet on his hand. Then he quested that the guy stole it from someone. He sigh and stands before the guy passed before him while laughing. Though he has seen the their stopped and look at his hand.

"w-what! Where's the wallet? I'm Was sure I had it in my hand." He quickly looks around while his hands went to his pocket searching for the missing item. While Akashi just smirked and hold out his hand holding the familiar wallet to the guy.

"is this what your looking for? Hmm?" the man just stared at him In disbelief of how and why he had the wallet? Then Akashi realize His face. Yes. He has seen this man a year ago. The man was also stealing a bag from an old lady back then. He sigh and said. "This is the second time I have met you here." He said in Japanese. The man then realize his voice and face.

Akashi looks at the man, trembling, when he realize the person before him who almost sent him to hell before.

"!!!. Y-you can have that." The Thief said and quickly runs away.

Akashi blinks then sigh and smiled. He looks at the wallet on his hand. 'now.. Let's find out who does this belongs to. It looks like.. A woman's wallet."

"H-hold it right there ,You thief!!!"

Akashi heard someone shouting at his back. That must be the victim of the Thief. He Turns around and saw a bike coming his way. Wait! A bike? Akashi focused his eyes to who is controlling it or even riding it but he saw no one until he saw a blue strands of hair. It was covering the person's eyes. Akashi realize that the woman must have been chasing the Thief while riding a bike.

He was about to call her that her wallet is fine but stop when the woman didn't Stop right towards him and was shouting. "D-don't move Thief!!" then he realize he was mistaken for a Thief. He wanted to explain but he was too late.


Later. He just found out that he is down to the ground pin down by a woman while the bike laying a little far from his side. She must have Jump to push him down before she could hit him with the bike. She was really a dangerous woman..... No.. He looks closely. It was a boy with pale skin, sky blue shoulder length hair and what he is amazed about... Is his big blue eyes.

"Please give me back my wallet."

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