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"No!" I sat up, panting.

"Are you okay?" Caspar woke up, his hand around my waist, now on my junk.

"Yeah..." I slowed my breathing. "Bad dream, I guess.."

"Want to talk about it?" He said. I looked at the clock.

15:00 am

"Just go back to sleep, baby.." I kissed his forehead. "We can talk in the morning."

"If you insist.." He kissed me, and I laid back down.


"Hey mate.. Have we met?"

"Don't think so.. I would've remembered.."

"Well, alright. I'm Caspar Lee."

"Joe.. Joe Sugg."

"Sugg... Isn't your sister Zoella?"

"Yeah, that's her.."


"Do you by any chance have a place to live? I'm looking for a new roommate.."

"I've just been living with Zoë."

"Do you want to move in?"

"If we're going to live together, we should get a new place. I don't want to feel like I'm invading.."

"Joe, you're welcomed."

"Are you sure?"

"Absolutely.. You're attractive, funny, and you seem really responsible."


"Oh, I mean, like to girls."

"Okay, yeah that makes sense."


"Joe?" Caspar said, trying to wake me. "I'm going to take Em to school. I'll be back in a few."

"Okay.." I said, still tired.


"So do you want to talk about your nightmare now?" Caspar came back to the bedroom after taking Emma to school.

"Emma... was hurt. We had let her do what she wants, thinking she's mature enough, and she got herself hurt..." I explained, staring at the ceiling.

"Baby, I'll promise you this.... If she ever gets hurt, it's not our fault. We do all we can to be the best parents... okay?" He laid down next to me. "Did you get any sleep?"

"Yeah... Not much.." I yawned.

"Well, get some rest... Okay?" He kissed my forehead. I felt so weak, I could hardly move. "Are you okay?"

"I feel like shit..." I held my head, trying to sit up.

"You don't have to get up, Joe.." He held me.

"No... I have to.." I tried to stand, but with my wobbly legs, I nearly fell. Caspar caught me, holding onto my arm and waist.

"Baby, sit down.." He carried me back to bed.

"I'm fine, Caspy..." I tried to walk out of the room, but it all went black.

"Damn it, Joe.."


Fuck... my head hurts. What happened? Where am I?

"Caspar?" I groaned.

"I'm right here, gorgeous..." He held my hand. "You passed out, so I carried you into the lounge and got you cooled off."

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