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Ok, so I'm starting to write this FANFICTION of Harry styles which I hope you guys will enjoy reading. And if you like it please vote and comment thank you:)


“you are so beautiful.... would you be my...”(beep, beep, beep, beep) I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock ringing over and over again.
“It was just a dream...ugh” I screamed
I get up from my bed and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth and take a shower before I left for school. I head downstairs and hug my mom before I left.
“bye  have a great day at school,” my mom said to me in an angry voice
“ok mom bye love you,” I said
“I don't,” she said
Then I walk out the door with tears rolling down my cheeks and got on the bus. The bus was full of eyes staring at me while others talk. I sat down at the back of the bus where I usually sat. Soon the bus started moving so I put my headphones on and I blast all of my favorite songs. until the bus stopped,  we were in front of this tall building where many kids hung around with their friends while I was all alone. I see his sweet silky skin and those beautiful green eyes that always sparkled in the light. His soft light brown hair. Those little things are a major description of my crush Harry who was talking with his friends. I can't seem to control myself when I see him, I've had a crush on him since day one. if only I wasn't such a coward, I would make my move, but I can't. (riiiiiiiiinnnnnnnggggggg) I hate that stupid bell, not only the bell but what it meant. I walked into the classroom and sat in the back corner where I usually sat. But today wasn't a Normal day considering that Harry sat next to me.OMG...WHAT SHOULD I DO?
WHAT SHOULD I SAY? I'll just sit here quiet like normal
“um hey sorry to bother you but I was wondering if you had a pencil I could borrow” a sweet voice spoke out
I turn around to find that that sweet voice was Harry's voice.
“oh...u-u-um yeah here you go,” I said handing him a pencil
This is my chance to talk to her. Why does she have to be so gorgeous? She is just so irresistible
That I can't even control myself when I see her and especially when I'm around her.
(End of Harry's POV)
As soon as he takes the pencil I quickly turn my head so that he doesn't have to see me blush. But before I even get to turn my head Harry starts talking to me.
“so Kelly what are you going to do tomorrow,   ”harry asked me
“oh just sit around at home and  listen to music all day,” I said
“oh sounds cool,” he said
“yeah,” I said
“can I ask you something,” he asked me
“um sure,” I said
“u-u-u-um why are you so shy and quiet,” he asked me
“well I'm invisible to everyone and I just don't have anyone to hang out with,”
“ well neither do I,” he said
“Are you kidding you are so popular,”
“true but what do you expect if I'm part of a famous  boy band,”
"But I wished I wasn't popular,"
“why do you say that,”
“well you see I've had a crush on this girl since day one and I just don't know how to tell her”
“oh, I understand,”
“Really?” he asked with a shocked voice
“yeah I also like this boy since day one too but I'm just so scared”
“wow, I never thought there was someone who felt the same way as me,”
“I just wished he would accept me for who I am and not for someone I'm not,”
“yeah, I know what you mean,” Then he just stared at me and then spoke out
“kelly I was wondering if you wanted to come to a party at my friend's house tomorrow,”
“um sure but wouldn't you want to ask Victoria instead”
“what do you mean... me and Victoria aren't even a thing,”
“but everyone's been saying that you and Victoria were going out and stuff,”
“well that's everybody but that is just a  big lie  that's been going around,”
“oh, I see,”
“so tomorrow at 2,”
“yeah sure,”
“well then see you tomorrow”
“Yeah, bye,” I said with a smile.....................................................(TO BE CONTINUED)

(Well this is the end of chapter 1 I hope you guys like it and I am sorry for the boring chapter)

(TOGETHER AT LAST) Harry styles Where stories live. Discover now