CHAPTER:2 part 2

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(song of the chapter)
One direction: little things


I was living now,Knowing that I can call Kelly mine. I can't control myself any longer. We were meant to be with each other forever.

Me: how did I never notice you

Kelly: because you were to caught up in the whole you and Victoria going out thing,or you were just scared of getting laughed at.

Me:I was never afraid of getting laughed at why would you say that?

Kelly:well first of all I'm invisible to everyone and two because it's not Normal for a girl like me to be with a guy like's just not something you see every day

Me:baby,you might be invisible to everyone but not to me,and I wouldn't care what happens to my career as a singer. Just as long as I got you im complete

Kelly:Aww,i love you so much Harry words can't describe the love i have for you

Kelly looked at me with her blue eyes and a soft smile on her face. Every little thing that she does just kills me. I saw a tear roll down her cheek.

" what's wrong?"i asked wiping the tears from her hot cheeks

"im just really happy that I have you in my arms and not someone else" she said as she clutched her arms around my neck and locked her mouth with mine feverishly.

We kissed but this time it was very passionate and smooth kissing. Until we both became beasts. Her hands on my neck while mines were on her thighs gripping them.
She took off my shirt and my pants,i then take off her dress.
I stop us from kissing and look at Kelly.

"do you trust me Kelly"i asked her

"yes baby" she said

I then take a new condom out of my pocket and rip it open. I slide it on me and slide myself in her. I saw her close her eyes and bite down on her lip.

"OMG... Harry "she moans

I Started sliding myself in and out of her. My insides were burning as if someone lit me on fire. Carefully I peeked through my eyelashes. She was staring at the ceiling of the dark room,her hands gripping on the sheets of the bed. My movements were picking up a faster breathing gone heavier,my heart beating as if it wanted to break through my ribs and come out. We were both seeing pain and pleasure. My mind was blank,i couldn't think of what to say. I would have been happy to lie here forever,to never disturb this moment. This moment was so perfect,so right, there was no way to doubt it. I stared at the smooth lines of her back,her shoulders,her arms,her neck, the flawless shape of her...the fire I was feeling inside was no longer a flash burn across my skin it was slow and deep now.
She was everything I have ever dreamed of, everything that just happened was what I always wished would happen. We stopped and laid next to each other,face to face,body to body,eyes to eyes. Yup... just like I dreamed it would happen. We now laid in her bed trying to catch our breath and relax.

Me: that...has got to be the best sex I have ever yet to experience with someone

Kelly:I say the same

Me:I love you so much Kelly

Kelly:I love you more Harry

We put on Netflix and just relaxed until we eventually fell asleep together.


I wake up and I feel someone's warm body against mine.i look to see Kelly's slender body against mine,our fingers were together
I wonder how I stayed away from Kelly for do long? All I could say is TOGETHER AT LAST. someone's sweet soft voice spoke out. It was Kelly laying there so innocently.

"what is it babe"i asked her

"how much trouble am I in?"she asked me in a small voice

"you are in no trouble"i said with a smirk

"well that's a relief" she said with a sigh

"but how much trouble am i in?"i asked

"trouble for what?"she asked confused

"well I kinda broke your dress"i said

"that's to bad...I liked that one"she said

"me too"i said

She got up from her bed and grabbed her clothes to take a shower. I then got up and grabbed my stuff to leave.

"wait baby don't go"she said

"what do you mean"i asked confused at her words

"go and take a shower"she said

"but there is only one bathroom"i demanded

" exactly"she smirked

"are you sure"i asked

"how can I not be sure we just had sex last night"she remarked

"ok then baby"i said

Then we walked into the bathroom and got in the shower together. After a few minutes or hours we cane out and sat on her bed. She turned on her PlayStation and we watched movies on Netflix. While we were watching the movie i got a text from Louis.

Louis: hello mate were are you?

Me:im at Kelly's house

Louis:did you and Kelly have you know what?

Me:YES,now can you please tell me why you texted me

Louis:oh yeah right well we are going to go and record our music video and we need you to be here now.

Me:oh yeah I almost forgot, I'll be there soon.

Louis:ok and you can bring Kelly if you want

Me:ok bye see you soon

Louis:ok bye mate

I put my phone back in my pocket and tell Kelly.

"um babe me and the guys are going to go record our song so if you want to go with me get ready"i said

"ok babe I will"she said

She then left and got ready while I watched her get dressed my throat was going dry,so dry that water couldn't Even help right now. Her body was just the perfect shape everything of her body is so irresistible.



(TOGETHER AT LAST) Harry styles Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt