Cafe Blues

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  That was six years ago. Six years ago, my father left my mother to raise up a thirteen year old and a 5 year old. 

  I had been to several therapists since then. How could I not? A loving father, whom I had trusted with my life, had hurt me and my sister. I could trust no one outside my simple family since then. Especially not another man. 

  "Mom, I'm going to the cafe and then pick up Tammy up from school," I called up the stairs. She came down them, wearing her old red robe that had too many frayed edges to count, It was hanging loosely off her shoulders. 

 Her slight nod was all I needed. I picked up my laptop and the charger, not having a sturdy case to keep it safe. I reminded myself to work overtime to pay for something to hold my laptop in. 

  As I steeped outside, the warm air of spring hit me. I sighed in contentment. This was perfect weather to walk in. The cafe wasn't very far from my house. A couple blocks at the most. It made not having a car not so bad at times. 

   I longed to roll the sleeves up on my white dress. But the long pink scar from my wrist to my elbow prevented me from doing just that. I shook that thought off and started walking to my favorite place in the world. It was quiet and they served the best caramel frappucinos ever. 

  I honestly think I'm addicted to them.

 I practically skipped there, thinking of the bliss that the first sip would give me. I was so caught up nin my thoughts, that I accidentally bumped into a brick wall.

  "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. I-" I looked up into the persons eyes and my breath caught in my throat. His blue eyes were completely beautiful. They were big and just...beautiful.

   "No, it's my fault ma'am." Ma'am? What young guy says ma'am anymore/ My eyes traveled down to his chest. My eyes went wide. He was a solier. Of course he'd be polite, They were trained that way. 

  I smiled timifly at him, and quietly excuse me. 

   He looked at me and smiled. It was an amazing smile and I was sure it would sure it would stay in my mind all day.

   "Why are you so quiet? You were just rambling a minute ago," he said playfully.

    I blushed and looked down. He put a finger under my chin and lifted my head. "Hey little cutie, it's alright. It was an accident."

  His voice was intoxicating. I could've listened to it all day. That seems a little weird, seeing as though we just met. My chin tingled where he touched me. 

   I smiled and faced away. "I'm Annabella. You are?"

  He smiled at my new found confudence and replied. "Brandon. My name's Brandon." 

  O smiled and turned away, my cheeks turning cheery red again. "Have a great day Brandon." 

  He laughed and I cherished the sound as he walked back down the street; the oppistie of direction of me.

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