Alvin and the Chipmunks Movie *My Version*

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Hey guys I didn't like the other one so I made another differen't one instead but same characters this will be base on the first movie of Alvin and the Chipmunks and then once this finish I'll add in sooner or later Alvin and the Chipmunks 2 and 3 and to remind you again this is my verison of the story so please don't steal unless you ask.


Stacey Seville: The older sister of the boys, Dave's real daughter, mother died when she was just a little girl, kind of a trouble maker, loves hanging out with friends and loves talking about boys just not in front of her father but in front of her friends, and take cares of the boys sometimes when Dave's away

Alvin Seville: The leader of the Chipmunks, Alvin is the talented troublemaker of the group

Simon Seville: The tallest brother. Simon is the intelligent realist and the most responsible of the group

Theodore Seville: The youngest brother. Theodore is the cute innocent butterball of the group.

Dave Seville:  The Chipmunks' adoptive father and father of Stacey, songwriter and manager, Dave's patience is tested nearly every day by Alvin, usually to the point where he yells "ALLLLVIIIIIIIIIINNNN!!!". Despite this, he loves all of the boys equally and he also love his little girl Stacey but doesn't want her to grow up so fast

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